Paperinik il diabolico vendicatore

The Diabolical Duck Avenger
Story code
I TL 706-AP
Paperinik il diabolico vendicatore
3 rows per page
Salip (1st), Donald Duck, Duck Avenger (1st), Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Elisa Penna
Guido Martina
Art (pencil and ink)
Giovan Battista Carpi
Number of parts
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: BC AD 27A, BC ASPD 1, D 14635, IC INTRE 8, IC INTRE 8B, Xgr/MM 446
article: Qdk/AA2008B17, Qfi/AAPA2004B, Qfi/ALJK2011B, Qfi/TKL2007D, Qfr/CF 1A, Qfr/MPHS 2A, Qgr/KX 104B, Qgr/KX 298B, Qgr/MS 40A, Qit/CALE 4B, Qit/CFR 4C, Qit/CSP 10B, Qit/CTS 2O, Qit/CTS 5D, Qit/CTS 6D, Qit/CTS 18C, Qit/CTS 20C, Qit/CTS 21B, Qit/CTS 21C, Qit/CTS 21J, Qit/CTS 23L, Qit/DAO 14B, Qit/DCOLL 9B, Qit/DCOLL 9C, Qit/DCOLL 9D, Qit/DPCS 5N, Qit/DSTO 48B, Qit/GS 1D, Qit/GSD 23A, Qit/GSD 23B, Qit/GSD 24H, Qit/IDI 1E, Qit/IDI 1G, Qit/IDI 1R, Qit/IPI 6D, Qit/M313 0F, Qit/M313 67B, Qit/MD 1B, Qit/PKOM 1A, Qit/PKOM 1B, Qit/PKOM 2A, Qit/PKOM 4A, Qit/PKOM 27A, Qit/PSC 5B, Qit/SUD 29A, Qit/TL 2784C, Qit/TL 2972C, Qit/TL 3037A, Qit/TL 3461J, Qit/TLAI 2G, Qit/TLS2808B, Qit/TLS2808F, Qnl/PO3 289A
article, single panels as illustrations: Qit/ILPA 58B, Qit/TL 3316E
various: I TL 2129-1P (Paperinik e il ritorno a Villa Rosa) (sequel), I TL 2675-1 (Paperinik e il tesoro di Dolly Paprika) (quote), Xcn/ZJMM 88B (panel), Qit/AT 278B (game), H 2019-226 (Intro Superdonald) (flashback), B TP 155-AB (A Volta do Superpato) (art re-used), Qit/ILPA 28D (single panel as illustration), B LDI 1-T0 (intro text), B AD 27-BA (new panels), Qit/SATL 19D (article + first page), Qit/INTRE 8 (book version), I TL 2404-1 (Paperinik e la minaccia al rifugio) (Villa Rosa), I TL 3048-1 (Paperinik in i destini di un eroe) (what if), I TL 3316-1 (Paperinik, tutto cominciò così) (plot extension), I TL 2726-2P (Ultraheroes: Good and Evil) ('Villa Rosa', panel 8.1,8.3), I TL 3391-1P (Caccia a Paperinik) (jet scooter), D 2018-092 (Master of Time) (remake of scenes), Qgr/KX 238A (30th page of part 1), IC CWD 57D (panel 44.2), Qus/DMF 6 (30th page)
This story contains the following items:
  1. I TL 706-A Paperinik il diabolico vendicatore (part 1, first published 1969-06-08, plot: Elisa Penna, script: Guido Martina, art: Giovan Battista Carpi, appearances Salip (1st), Donald Duck, Duck Avenger (1st), Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge)
  2. I TL 707-A idem (part 2, first published 1969-06-15, plot: Elisa Penna, script: Guido Martina, art: Giovan Battista Carpi, appearances Salip, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Gladstone Gander, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge)

This story is rated 7.9/10 and ranked 56/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 365 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: LPJ (October 17, 2017; December 2, 2017)

enDonald inherits mistakenly an old house which gives him the secret for becoming a dark avenger. (by Elephant31, history)
daAA vinder en gammel villa ved navn Karnappen, som oprindeligt blev vundet sf Højben, men blev sendt til AA ved en fejl. Da AA og ungerne forsøger at sætte huset i stand, finder AA en gammel dagbog, som tilhørte gentlemantyven Fabuland, og det giver ham inspirationen til, med lidt hjælp fra Gearløs, at forvandle sig til Stålanden og hævne sig på sine fjender, med Joakim i første række (by rrr, history)
frLe facteur remet par erreur un colis destiné à Gontran à Donald qui se retrouve donc propriétaire de la « Villa Rose », une demeure mystérieuse. Alors que ses neveux estiment qu’il n’en est pas le propriétaire légitime et critiquent la maison, Donald découvre le journal intime de « Fantomias », un bandit qui s’attaquait aux riches. Avec l’aide de Géo qui bricole quelques trucs dans sa voiture, Donald devient « Fantomiald », un justicier qui s’attaque aux riches Donaldvillois. Fantomiald entame sa carrière en attaquant Picsou et se réfugie dans la villa. Convoqué par Picsou en même temps que Gontran, Donald sème la confusion aux alentours de la villa Rose que Gontran fait exploser par inadvertance et qui sera puni par Picsou qui le croit coupable. (by Cacou, history)
deDurch eine Verwechslung erbt Donald eine alte Villa - die "Villa Rosa" - und verwandelt sich erstmals in Phantomias. (by hopsi44, history)
elΌταν ο Ντόναλντ κληρονομεί το σπίτι του θρυλικού κλέφτη Φαντομία, βρίσκει εκεί ό,τι χρειάζεται για να γίνει υπερήρωας: ο Φάντομ Ντακ! (by Greek User, history)
itPaperino ,attraverso l' identità di Paperinik,si vendica di Zio Paperone e Gastone... (by Mr. Zuppik, history)
itprima avventura di Paperinik
ptDonald cansado de ser vitíma do Tio Patinhas e do Gastão resolve virar um super-herói para se vingar deles. Graças à isso nasce o Superpato!! (by andrey, history)
ruПочтальон по ошибке доставляет пакет Дональду Даку. И Дональд считает себя владельцем виллы "Роза". На вилле Дональд обнаруживает дневник Фантомаса, вора, который грабил богатых уток в начале ХХ века. С помощью Винта Разболтайло и дневника, Дональд становится "Темным Мстителем"... (by eVogue, history)
Italy, TL 706
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Italy, TL 706
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 707 part 2
France, MPP 1166
Greece, MM 447 part 2
Spain, DB2 134
Spain, DM 10
Spain, DM 11 part 2
Finland, AATK 41
Norway, KB09
Greece, KL 76
Greece, KL 76 part 2
Italy, PK 1
Italy, PK 1 part 2
France, JMM 1
Greece, ALM 72
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