Le Giovani Marmotte in Occhio al manuale!

Story code
I TL 3475-1P
Le Giovani Marmotte in Occhio al manuale!
3 rows per page
Beth from I TL 3363-2, Bodu, Jamal from I TL 3363-2, Michelle from I TL 3363-2, Mike Perry, Mogul Bertie, Russ Molluck, Sheriduck, Taki, Clinton Coot (ricordo), Donald Duck, Flintheart Glomgold, Fulton Gearloose (quadro), Gyro Gearloose, Newton, Quackmore, The Junior Woodchucks, The Junior Woodchucks' official hound, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Francesco Vacca
Art (pencil and ink)
Mario Ferracina
Number of parts
Date of first publication
Referred to in
article: Qit/TL 3474N, Qit/TL 3475D, Qit/TL 3477G, Qit/TL 3478K
various: IC TL 3475 (cover)

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 28691/43624 according to COA users. There have been about 10 votes for this story.

deMac Moneysac versucht an die Erstausgabe des Schlauen Buches zu gelangen. Dieter Düsentrieb hat es aber mittels Technik unlesbar gemacht, daher wird er entführt. (by TSetznagel, history)
Italy, TL 3475
more scans >>
Italy, TL 3475
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(4 countries, 4 publications)
Italy, TL 3475 part 2
Brazil, BEMC 9
Brazil, BEMC 9 part 2
Germany, LTBE 83
Germany, LTBE 83 part 2

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