Mickey Mouse
The Sign of the Squid

Story code
W MM 44-01
The Sign of the Squid
Mickey Mouse
4 rows per page
Captain Shark, Captain Squid (picture), Ferdinand the waiter, Keelhaul Kelly, Goofy, Mickey Mouse [show character portraits]
Art (pencil and ink)
Paul Murry
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: BC MK 90, FC BHNS 28, HC MM1978-12
various: Qit/CTS 8E (article), FC CSV 100 (enlarged panel)

This story is rated 7.1/10 and ranked 1262/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 40 votes for this story.

enPirate's parrot leads to treasure
daEn gammel sørøverpapegøje som F ejer, siges at kunne vise vej til en skjult skat. Papegøjen bliver stjålet fra F, og sammen med MM tager han hyre på det skib, som forbryderne tager på skattejagt med (by les03, history)
frDingo achète un perroquet muet qui a jadis appartenu au capitaine pirate Calmar dont le trésor n'a jamais été retrouvé. Dans la cage, lui et Mickey découvrent une carte décrivant les coordonnées d'une île et l'indication que le perroquet dira un mot secret à la vue d'un signe secret. Le perroquet et la carte sont alors vite volés... (by Horace555, history)
United States, MM 44
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United States, MM 44
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 132
Mexico, CWD 105
Netherlands, DD1958-03
Netherlands, DD1958-04 part 2
Chile, DIS 41
Mexico, CWD 371
France, JM 823
United States, MM 145
Chile, MM 41
Greece, MIK 133
France, CSV 100
Brazil, DER 19
Germany, G 1984-09
Egypt, MG 98
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