Brer Rabbit

Story code
ZB 4501
Sunday pages (US)
Brer Rabbit
Newspaper strip
Brer Bear, Brer Fox, Brer Rabbit [show character portraits]
Bill Walsh
Paul Murry
Dick Moores
Date of first publication
End date of publication (strip)
(3 Sundays)
Referred to in
W DG 39-06 (Tree Trickery) (remake)
This story contains the following items:
  1. ZB 45-10-14 (part 1)
  2. ZB 45-10-21 (part 2)
  3. ZB 45-10-28 (part 3)

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 13948/43690 according to COA users. There have been about 5 votes for this story.

frDivers mésaventures entre Basile, Boniface et Bibi Lapin qui tente de leur échapper (en leur racontant des histoires la plupart du temps)
United States, ZZ1945
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United States, ZZ1945
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.


France, JM 50
France, JM 51 part 2
France, JM 52 part 3
France, JM 53 part 4
France, JM 54 part 5
France, JM 55 part 6
France, JM 56 part 7
France, JM 57 part 8
France, JM 58 part 9
France, JM 59 part 10
France, JM 60 part 11
France, JM 61 part 12
France, JM 62 part 13
Italy, BIG 23
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