Mickey Mouse

Story code
ZM 50-06-18
Sunday pages (US)
Mickey Mouse
Newspaper strip
Ellsworth, Goofy, Mickey Mouse [show character portraits]
Bill Walsh
Art (pencil and ink)
Manuel Gonzales
Date of first publication

enELL's theatrical career
deMaxi erkennt, wie anstrengend das Leben als Star ist
itELL stanco del palcoscenico torna a casa
United States, ZZ1950
more scans >>
Italy, TL 33
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Belgium, MM 102
Italy, TL 447
Netherlands, MM1981-05
France, JM 1760
Greece, KL 82
Croatia, MMH2001-06
Czechia, KDC2001-06
Greece, MM 2040
Germany, MM2007-01
Italy, TL 33
Changes: 1 panel missing
Brazil, PD 80
Changes: Layout remounted and 1 panel missing
Greece, MM 348
Changes: missing 4th panel

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