Mickey Mouse

Story code
ZM 51-05-13
Sunday pages (US)
Mickey Mouse
Newspaper strip
Cousin Melvin, Goofy, Mickey Mouse [show character portraits]
Bill Walsh
Art (pencil and ink)
Manuel Gonzales
Date of first publication
Referred to in
U MMW 631C (No oil painting!) (remake)

enGO participates in abstract art contest
daFedtmule vinder konkurrence i abstrakt kunst ved at male vellignende portræt af "abstrakt" fætter
nlGO schildert "abstract" neefje Melvin
frGO gagne un concours de peinture abstraite
deGO malt abstraktes Porträt, da sein Vetter wirklich abstrakt aussieht
United States, ZZ1951
more scans >>
Brazil, MK 13
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Belgium, MM 68
Brazil, PDX 1
Brazil, MK 13
Changes: Layout remounted

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