Archimede e... una frana di nipote

Story code
I TL 2088-1
Archimede e... una frana di nipote
3 rows per page
Lardello, Mogul Bertie, Alvin, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Grandma Duck, Gus Goose, Gyro Gearloose, Gyro's Helper, The Junior Woodchucks, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Caterina Mognato
Art (pencil and ink)
Danilo Barozzi
Date of first publication
Referred to in
article: Qfr/CF 19D, Qit/DCOLL 8E

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 33350/43759 according to COA users. There have been about 15 votes for this story.

enGY's Japanese cousin sends her son to Duckburg, hoping that he will be coached into making his first invention. HDL recruits the boy into JW's upcoming competition, but struggle to find something he is good at. Until he volunteers for... kite flying?? (by Gaioa, history)
fiPelle Pelottoman aika palaa Roope-sedän satelliittiprojektin kimpussa, mutta lisähuolena on japanilaisserkun poika - tämä kun ei ole vielä oppinut keksijänerosukunsa tavoille, eikä ole alkanut keksimään omia keksintöjä - Pellen hoteisiin lähetetty Ken Zo pääsee mukaan Sudenpentujen leirille, mutta valmistautuminen partiotaitokisoihin muita lippukuntia vastaan sujuu takkuisasti; tietymättömissä olevaa omaa erikoisosaamisalaa etsiessä.
frPressé par Picsou qui lui a commandé un satellite, Géo reçoit chez lui son neveu du Japon dont le père est déçu qu'il n'ait rien encore rien inventé à son jeune âge et ait l'esprit dans les étoiles. Maladroit, il est mis chez les Castors Juniors où Riri, Fifi et Loulou peinent à lui trouver un talent... (by Horace555, history)
itSon-Na-Frana, figlio di un cugino giapponese!
plDiodak to ktoś, kto może liczyć na odwiedziny o każdej porze dnia i nocy. Superkwęk poawanturuje się o uszkodzoną sieć, Sknerus przyjdzie po nowoczesnego satelitę, a mały kuzyn z Japonii przyjedzie po... nauki wynalazczości. To musi się skończyć demolką laboratorium! (by tolio, history)
svJockes japanska kusin skickar sin son till Ankeborg i hopp att han kommer göra sin första uppfinning. Knattarna låter gossen delta i Gröngölingarnas kommande tävling, men hittar inget han är bra på. Men till sist anmäler han sig till... drakflygning?? Under tiden så vill Joakim att Jocke ska bygga en komplicerad satellit. (by Gaioa, history)
Italy, TL 2088
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Italy, TL 2088
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Greece, MIK 384
Sweden, KAPS2004-02
Poland, MGG 8
Italy, PKOM 26
France, CF 19

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