Papertotti e il segreto del cucchiaio

Story code
I TL 2721-1
Papertotti e il segreto del cucchiaio
3 rows per page
Archimede gallettino, Ciccio anatrotto, Paperina Paperotta, Paperoga paperotto, Papertotti, Donald Duckling, Grandma Duck, Jeeves, John D. Rockerduck, Quackmore, Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Riccardo Secchi
Art (pencil and ink)
Stefano Turconi
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: IC TL 2721, IC TL 2721, IC TL 2721C, IC TL 2721D, IC TL 2721E, IC TL 2721F, IC TL 2721G
article: Qit/DAO 11C, Qit/PSPOR 2B

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 34167/43715 according to COA users. There have been about 15 votes for this story.

itcome fu che Papertotti (alter ego di Totti) divenne un gran calciatore
ptcomo foi que Patota (alter ego do Totti) se tornou um grande jogador (by ro455, history)
Italy, TL 2721
more scans >>
Italy, TL 2721
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.


(4 countries, 8 publications)
Greece, MM 2270
Italy, GSP20200516
Italy, GSP20200517 part 2
Italy, GSP20200518 part 3
Italy, GSP20200520 part 5
Italy, GSP20200519 part 4
Changes: missing page 22

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