Traditional Chinese

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Found 15 character names in language Traditional Chinese.

  三只小鴨 (Huey Dewey and Louie)
Donald Duck's nephews. Listed as Junior Woodchucks when they wear JW caps
  史高治 (Uncle Scrooge)
DD's rich uncle
  吉羅 (Gyro Gearloose)
  哈羅警長 (Chief O'Hara)
Police inspector in Mickey Mouse stories. First name is Seamus
  唐老鴨 (Donald Duck)
Donald Fauntleroy Duck
  布魯托 (Pluto)
  瑪奇卡 (Magica De Spell)
  米老鼠 (Mickey Mouse)
  范斯瑞 (Fethry Duck)
Duck with few long hairs. Has a bit more (yellow) hair, actually, in early Strobl stories
  葛萊史東 (Gladstone Gander)
Lucky gander with curly hair
  賊兄弟 (The Beagle Boys)
Worldwide look alike criminal association, often adversaries for US
  超人鴨 (Paperinik)
Super Duck, actually DD
  高飛 (Goofy)
  鴨婆婆 (Grandma Duck)
  黛絲 (Daisy Duck)

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