Morty and Ferdie & Pluto
Island Escapade

Story code
W DG 30-04
Island Escapade
Morty and Ferdie, Pluto
4 rows per page
Goofy (cameo), Mickey Mouse, Morty and Ferdie, Pluto, Tinker Bell (intro) [show character portraits]
Carl Fallberg
Art (pencil and ink)
Paul Murry
Date of first publication
Referred to in
Qit/GCD 310 (article)

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 31611/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 20 votes for this story.

firajalinnakkeeseen tehtävällä pommiattentaatilla intiaanisodan sytyttämistä suunnittelevat asekauppiaat kaappaavat vakoojina pitämänsä Mortin ja Vertin
noPluto og Tipp og Topp tar bombe fra skurker som prøver å sette i gang indianerkrig
United States, DG 30
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France, JM 589
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 252
Mexico, HWD 252
France, JM 589
Spain, DB2 10
Greece, MM 40
Greece, MM 395
United States, WDCD 53
Greece, MM 1098
Italy, GCD 310
Netherlands, DD1975-26
Changes: TB removed from intro

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