Donald Duck

Story code
YD 47-03-31
Daily strips (US)
Donald Duck
Newspaper strip
Huey Dewey and Louie (1) [show character portraits]
Bob Karp
Art (pencil and ink)
Al Taliaferro
Date of first publication
Referred to in
YM 72-05-17 (similar idea), YD 53-04-23 (remake)

enLouie takes back teacher's apple
deHDL1 nimmt der Lehrerin geschenkten Apfel nach Zeugnisempfang wieder ab
noOle får dårlig karakterer og tar tilbake eple til frøken
svInte äpplet värt
United States, ZZ1947
more scans >>
United States, WDC 114
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
United States, WDC 114
Mexico, HWD 9
Germany, MM1951-00
Spain, DB1 76
Spain, DB2 41
Netherlands, DD1974-23
Netherlands, DDKAL 2000
Germany, BG 10
United States, DDDN 4

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