Search results (3 items)

    story     cover, illustration     gag     Non-Disney and/or non-comics

Code Title Number of pages Creators Publications Characters, comments
The Invader Of Fort Duckburg
15 p.
4 rows per page
Don Rosa
Don Rosa
First published
Blackheart Beagle, Daphne Duck, Eider Duck, Fulton Gearloose, Grandma Duck, Hortense McDuck, Humperdink Duck, Matilda McDuck, Quackmore Duck, The Beagle Boys, The Junior Woodchucks, Theodore Roosevelt, Uncle Scrooge
Language code Description
en Year 1902, US comes to Duckburg, meets GD and her family,Hortense falls in love, they trace the JW out of the fort, and the president shows up. After a fight they talk about old days. US builds the bin
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Chapter 10)
La grande famille de Donald Duck
1 p.
Don Rosa*
Fernando Güell (* re-used story)
First published
Huey Dewey and Louie's father, April May and June, Casey Coot, Clinton Coot, Cornelius Coot, Cuthbert Coot, Daisy Duck, Della Duck, Dingus McDuck, Donald Duck, Downy O'Drake, Fanny Coot, Fethry Duck, Flintheart Glomgold, Gertrude Gadwall, Gladstone Gander, Glittering Goldie, Goostave Gander, Grandma Duck, Gretchen Grebe, Gus Goose, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie, Humperdink Duck, Jake McDuck, John D. Rockerduck, Luke Goose, Magica De Spell, Malcolm McDuck, Matilda McDuck, Molly Mallard, Pintail Duck, Quackmore Duck, Quagmire McDuck, Seafoam McDuck, Sir Eider McDuck, Sir Quackly McDuck, Sir Roast McDuck, Sir Stuft McDuck, Sir Swamphole McDuck, The Beagle Boys (3), Uncle Scrooge, Whitewater Duck
1 p.
Anders Christian Sivebæk, Laila Jerming Graf
First published
Huey Dewey and Louie's father, Angus McDuck, Casey Coot, Clinton Coot, Cornelius Coot, Cuthbert Coot, Daphne Duck, Della Duck, Dingus McDuck, Donald Duck, Downy O'Drake, Eider Duck, Fanny Coot, Fergus McDuck, Fethry Duck, Gertrude Gadwall, Gladstone Gander, Goostave Gander, Grandma Duck, Gretchen Grebe, Gus Goose, Hortense McDuck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Humperdink Duck, Jake McDuck, Ludwig Von Drake, Luke Goose, Lulubelle Loon, Malcolm McDuck, Matilda McDuck, Molly Mallard, Pintail Duck, Quackmore Duck, Quagmire McDuck, Seafoam McDuck, Sir Eider McDuck, Sir Quackly McDuck, Sir Roast McDuck, Sir Stuft McDuck, Sir Swamphole McDuck, The Beagle Boys (13), Uncle Scrooge, Whitewater Duck

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