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by Sprea, added Aug 3, 2010

t's time for the COA site to undergo a few changes! Hopefully, you users won't probabily even notice, but a few days ago we started a slight clean-up and update of the HTML code that lies underneath the COA pages. It will probabily take a few months to finish, and in the meanwhile you may experience some problems. Small problems, like disappearing backgrounds or weird alignments... that will be fixed very quickly.

We actually hope there will be no problems at all, but in case you stumble into one, remember it's probabily only because we're working on it. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience!

We are working for you!

8 comments, add a comment


by deyanmegara, added Aug 5, 2010

While you're at it, you could put an "Advanced Search" link on the story/item search panel (to link to Currently, there is such a link only for the publications search panel.


by Sprea, added Aug 6, 2010

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try to do that.


by deyanmegara, added Aug 7, 2010

I see the link is now added. Thanks you!


by m1ckros, added Aug 7, 2010

I admire work done in this site.

I don't know if any of you work on computers. But with what I can see, the website is really well done and professionals would not do better.
Just sometimes internationalization seems to not be complete ("Keywords/title" used for french and polish for example). But with the number of translations, I can understand. :-D

Good job !


by Sprea, added Aug 8, 2010

m1ckros, about internationalization... you're right! Every time a new text is added or an old text is edited, the default English version shows up, because we don't want wrong or old texts to confuse users. And bit by bit all the texts get to be translated... it only takes a little patience! :-)


by Damacon, added Aug 15, 2010

Fantastic foto! Guys, you must be real fans disney's comics. Bellicimo! Good luck!


by ggg, added Aug 18, 2010

Nice improvements !

Thanks !



by reybr, added Nov 11, 2010

Is it possible that the HTML generation of your collection will work again. At the moment, only PDF generation is working and I find the HTML page to be much more useful when I'm away from my computer. Just start a browser on the phone and it's there. It was also much faster than the PDF generation


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