Donald Duck
The Best Year of Your Life

Story code
D 2006-020
The Best Year of Your Life
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Daisy Duck (photo), Donald Duck, Grandma Duck (flashback), Huey Dewey and Louie [show character portraits]
Kari Korhonen
Kari Korhonen
Date of first publication

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 14276/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 10 votes for this story.

enDue to an electro shock DD has forgotten all about his (one) year in high-school, so it comes quite as a surprise when he receives an invitation from his old mates.
frSuite a un électrochoc reçu dans ça jeunesse alors qu'il travaillait dans la centrale électrique de Donaldville, Donald a tout oublié de sa seule et unique année passé au lycée. il est donc surpris quand il reçoit une invitation de ses anciens compagnons pour un réunion de classe.. (by Sheamus McPicsou, history)
Poland, KD 2009-37
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Poland, KD 2009-37
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France, JM 2997
Netherlands, DE2010-05
Germany, MM2011-06
Netherlands, DDSA 14
Greece, KXB 92

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