Story Notes

Story code
Qus/CBDL 16A
Non-Disney and/or non-comics
Story Notes
Alberto Becattini, Craig Fischer, Daniel F. Yezbick, Francesco Stajano, Jared Gardner, Joseph Robert Cowles, Leonardo Gori, Matthias Wivel, R. Fiore, Rich Kreiner, Stefano Priarone, Thad Komorowski
Date of first publication
Refers to
article: D 90314 (Return to Xanadu), D 91308 (The Last of the Clan McDuck), D 93288 (The Empire Builder from Calisota), W DD 51-07 (All Season Hat), W OS 62-03 (Mystery of the Swamp), W OS 159-02 (Adventure Down Under), W OS 223-02 (Lost In the Andes!), W OS 263-02 (Land of the Totem Poles), W US 5-02 (The Secret of Atlantis), W US 6-02 (Tralla La), W US 7-02 (The Seven Cities of Cibola), W US 9-02 (The Lemming with the Locket), W US 13-01 (On Guard!), W US 13-02 (Land Beneath the Ground!), W US 13-05 (Fashion Forecast), W US 13-06 (Mush !), W US 14-02 (The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan!), W US 14-05 (Trouble in store), W US 14-06 (Uncle Scrooge he's the height of hilarity), W US 14-07 (Fireflies are Free), W US 15-01 (Perfect bust), W US 15-02 (The Second-Richest Duck), W US 15-05 (Migrating Millions), W US 15-06 (Pound for Sound), W US 16-01 (Fertile Assets), W US 16-02 (Back to Long Ago!), W US 16-05 (Uncle Scrooge in Fame and Fortune), W US 16-06 (Uncle Scrooge), W US 17-01 (Early to Build), W US 17-02 (A Cold Bargain), W US 17-05 (The Eyes Have It), W US 17-06 (China Shop Shakeup), W US 18-01 (Net Worth), W US 18-02 (Land of the Pygmy Indians), W US 18-05 (Relative Reaction), W US 21-02 (The Money Well), W US 27-01 (The Money Champ), W US 31-05 (The Secret Book), W US 33-01 (Tree Trick), W US 34-01 (Mythic Mystery), W US 61-02 (So Far and No Safari), W USGD 1-02 (Fantastic River Race)

United States, CBDL 16


(3 countries, 3 publications)

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