Uncle Scrooge
The Billionaire Of Dismal Downs

The Billionaire of Dismal Downs
Story code
D 93121
The Billionaire Of Dismal Downs
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Downy O'Drake, Fergus McDuck, Hortense McDuck, Matilda McDuck, Scottie McTerrier, Sir Quackly McDuck, Soapy Slick, Uncle Scrooge, Whiskervilles [show character portraits]
Don Rosa
Art (pencil and ink)
Don Rosa
Date of first publication
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Chapter 9)
Referred to in
cover: ARC US 293, DC HOF 20, IC ZP 78B
article: Qde/BXS 3M, Qde/DR 0C, Qde/DRSB 1D, Qdk/HEDL 1A, Qdk/HEDL 1J, Qfi/AA2022-36A, Qfi/ALP 27F, Qfi/T2011PKF, Qfi/T2011PKG, Qfi/T2014KKJC, Qfi/T2018JMF, Qfr/JP 1zr, Qfr/MDC 42D, Qgr/KXB 46C, Qit/BURF 14c, Qit/BURF 14d, Qit/BURF 15ac, Qit/DCOLL18D, Qit/DPCS 12A, Qit/DPCS 20D, Qit/DPCS 40I, Qit/GCDN 94B, Qit/PM 203c, Qit/TD 9D, Qit/TD 9M, Qit/TD 9Q, Qit/TD 9R, Qit/TSI 1B, Qit/TSI 1C, Qit/TSI 1L, Qit/UACK 20C, Qnl/HLVOD 1I, Qno/DRSV 4R, Qno/DRSV 4S, Qus/DRL 4D, Qus/DRL 5B, Qus/LTSMG 1L, Qus/US 293A
illustration: ARC US 293A, GC DRSBHCL1C09, Qdk/HEDL 2H, XNC DRSV 4B
various: F JM 96349 (unknown), Qit/ZPP 58B (article, image), Qfi/LTS2014G (soundtrack), Qit/ILPA 97E (single panel as illustration), Qfi/AA2020-49B (article; page 3 panels 3-4)

This story is rated 7.7/10 and ranked 117/43646 according to COA users. There have been about 160 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: DVr (May 30, 2010)

enYear 1902: Scrooge has made his first billion and returns to make his ancestral home in Scotland the center of his soon-to-be empire. But he soon learns he doesn’t fit in with the local crowd and makes big changes in his plans. (history)
enYear 1902, US repays the loan, has success, and returns to Scotland with 8 barrels of money, he takes part in the local Highland games, and loses big time. US and sisters go to Duckburg, and parents die
nl1902: Dagobert verdient zijn eerste miljoen en keert terug naar Schotland, waar hij niet erg hartelijk wordt ontvangen. Om zich te bewijzen, doet hij mee aan de Highland Games, maar hij verliest. Dan neemt Dagobert het besluit om te verhuizen... (by dvr, history)
firikastunut nuori Roope-setä palaa Skotlantiin, ottaakseen osaa paikallisiin Ylämaan kisoihin
frPicsou retourne en Ecosse où sa fortune est mal vue par les habitants; Il participe à une compétition pour prouver qu'il est un pur écossais. (by RPm, history)
elΟ Σκρουτζ επιστρέφει στην Σκωτία, όμως βλέπει ότι η χώρα του είναι κολλημένη στο παρελθόν ενώ εκείνος θέλει να επενδύσει στην πρόοδο. Έτσι παίρνει τις αδελφές του και πάνε στην Αμερική. (by figolfin, history)
Netherlands, DE1994-12
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Germany, MM1995-09
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Germany, MM1995-09
United States, US 293
Netherlands, OD 56
Greece, KX 108
Spain, OLE 36
Denmark, HEDL 1
Finland, DR 1997
France, JP 0
Italy, SUD 17
Poland, KDS2000-01
Portugal, DE 205
Brazil, TP40R 2
France, JP 1
Italy, CFRO 3
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