Donald Duck
Bubbleweight Champ

Story code
W WDC 282-01
Bubbleweight Champ
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Boldan True (1st), Donald Duck, The Junior Woodchucks [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Refers to
YD 39-08-11 (Two Hits! One Error!) (gag re-used)
Referred to in
cover: HC BV 67, W WDC 282-00A, Xau/WDC 215
article: Qfi/ALP 11B, Qfi/ALP 34C, Qfi/T2018TRN, Qfi/T2020TRJ, Qit/CAT 31H, Qit/CAT 31I, Qit/DPCS 28J, Qit/GCDN 68B, Qit/GSD 14H, Qit/IMA 7J
various: Qdk/AA2023B36D (illustration), GC HD 126-27 (panel)

This story is rated 7.2/10 and ranked 888/43673 according to COA users. There have been about 40 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: LPJ (May 16, 2016; September 30, 2019), HF (January 28, 2019)

enSoda drinker DD in boxing match for JW
frAlors que les Castors Juniors de Donaldville sont à égalité après les nombreuses épreuves qui les ont opposés à leurs homologues d'une autre ville, il est décidé pour les départager que leurs entraîneurs devront se battre lors d'un match de boxe, mais le seul disponible pour Donaldville est Donald (by duckstories, history)
United States, WDC 282
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Italy, TL 442
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 442
Netherlands, DD1964-23
Brazil, ZC 661
Argentina, DC 9
Spain, DB1 491
Greece, GX 392
Mexico, CWD 347
Germany, MM1965-25
Chile, DIS 335
United States, JW 22
France, JM 1187
France, CJM 1
Germany, TGDDZ 59
Netherlands, DD1989-26
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