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  I. Giltfilcher Gyro Gearloose's long-time patent attorney, who always prizes Gyro's ideas (Ducks)
  Iago Iago; Jafar's parrot (Aladdin, Kingudamu Hatsu)
  Ian Lightfoot Ian Lightfoot; A blue elf with dark blue fuzzy hair, brown eyes, and pale pointy elf ears (Onward)
  Icarus Icarus; nerdy companion of teen Herc from the Prometheus Academy (Hercules)
  Ice A snow-man like customer of "Topo bianco" (X-Mickey)
  Idgit the Midget Idgit the Midget; Crook, partner of McBoo, sometimes called Idjit the Midget (Mice)
  Idris Small water creature, friend of GO, from an alien civilization now living on Earth in their underground city of Idrolizia (Mice)
  IfigĂȘnio the neighbor A MOE's neighbour in some Brazilian stories (Ducks)
  Ignazio the mouse Mouse from Italian CD stories (Forest)
  Igor Blov normally works as a secret agent; he and Lara Bell work for opposing parties. Member of Il Custodi del Mistero (Mice)
  Igore Coneagle Igore Coneagle; A famous motorcycle-riding daredevil who wants to be even more famous and wealthy. He is scared of nature's creatures. A parody of Evel Knievel (Ducks)
  Igor from X-Mickey invisible mailman (X-Mickey)
  Igthorn Igthorn; Evil Duke (Adventures of the Gummi Bears)
  Iku-Turso The sea monster from Kalevala (Ducks)
  Il capo di cloroplasti (Ducks)
  Il Cavaliere analogico Supervillain who hates modern technology. Secretly the museum director Steve Steampunk (Ducks)
  Il grande capo di Agenzia The big boss at DoubleDuck's Agenzia. A hologram of DD (DoubleDuck)
  Il grande saggio dell'isola di Paxos (Mice)
  Il Mago Burlone A good magician who likes pranks and jokes. Pier Carpi was inspired by the Ellery Queen, Jr. novel "The Mystery of the Merry Magician" (Italian title: "Il Mago Burlone") to create the character (Ducks, Snow White)
  Il mostro della dimensione violetta A friendly monster from another dimension (Ducks)
  Il perfido Bingo mouse-looking villain menacing Reginella in I TL 1673-A1 (Ducks)
  Il trasformista a "transformer", dressing as various other people (Ducks)
  Imbianchino Mascherato Bum Bum Ghigno's superhero identity (Ducks)
  Imperatore Evronian emperor (Paperinik New Adventures)
  Imp from the Eleventh Dimension Imp from the Eleventh Dimension; (Mice)
  Indian chief from PP Indian chief on the island of Never Land. Tiger Lily's father (Peter Pan)
  Inky Inky; one of the three little kittens (misc)
  Inquinator crook in PK stories who uses poison and pollution as his favorite weapons (Ducks)
  Intellectual-176 Intellectual-176; The Beagle Boy with a high I.Q. (Ducks)
  Interval orange dog wearing a blue-white neckerchief and small crest on top of his head (Roadside Romeo)
  Ira (W.I.T.C.H.)
  Ireyon Ireyon; A foxy female thief from 5000 years back in time. Opponent of PK, but a friend of Fantomius in recent D-stories (Ducks)
  Iridessa light-talented fairy (Disney Fairies)
  Irina Von Paperov Fatal blond in some Italian detective parody stories (Ducks)
  Iris Jensen Dance Academy stories (W.I.T.C.H.)
  Irma Irma; Irma Lair, witch, has power on water (W.I.T.C.H.)
  Irma Boots A brilliant computer hacker who is friends with Kay K (DoubleDuck)
  Irma from TL 3464 vile rival of MDS and her witch colleagues (Ducks)
  Iron Ciccius GU's superhero identity in Ultraheroes (Ducks)
  Iron Ears Colony Iron Ears Colony; Gangster who wants to be elected major in YM 078 (Mice)
  Isabela Madrigal Mirabel's perfect sister; creates flowers (Encanto)
  Isabella Garcia-Shapiro Isabella Garcia-Shapiro; Girlfriend of Phineas and Ferb who has an obvious crush on Phineas (Phineas and Ferb)
  Ishani Pan-Asian champion racer from India (Planes)
  Isidor red-headed boatbuilder (Le storie della baia)
  Isis Vanderchill (Darkwing Duck)
  Ispettore Irk Egocentric but honest police inspector, who is not fond of Mickey (Mice)
  Itsy-Betsy CL's rambunctious 5-year-old niece (Ducks, Mice)
  Itzy Bitzy Itzy Bitzy; the flea (Ducks, DuckTales)
  Ivan Ivan the cat; (Peter and the Wolf)
  Izzy Izzy; Little Bad Wolf's cousin (Forest)
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