List of appearances with comment: DA's cousin

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment DA's cousin.

Cedric CanvasbackW DD 30-04 (1953)au/DD 4d, au/DS 75f, br/PD 194g, cl/DIS 97b, de/MMRK 9db, dk/AA1956-15h, dk/AA2008-26g, dk/DKA1956-2ih, es/DB1 148d, fi/AAVSK1957ag, fi/AN1957p034, fr/AJM 84p057, fr/ALPMB 46bg, fr/PM 392g, it/TLN2 74ai, mx/CWD 61e, nl/ACTION 19g, nl/DD1956-50b, nl/DDF1956 2yb, nl/JUB2009-1ce, no/AAR 19eh, no/DD1956-12h, no/DD2008-26l, no/DDSA 1gh, no/KVART34ml, se/DKAA1956-02eh, se/KA1956-08h, tr/CA 37c, uk/WDW1961-03j, us/DD 30-04
AnatrellaPaperino in: Poker di cuori (I TL 1744-D, 1989)it/CD 287c

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