List of appearances with comment: Patatinhas

List of appearance comments
Found 8 stories with appearance comment Patatinhas.

Uncle ScroogePena Kid Ataca Novamente (B 74145, 1974)br/DE 83w, br/DER 79t, br/DESP 14ct, br/ZC 1191e, pt/DE 122p135, pt/DESS 61cp135, pt/PT107p22
Uncle ScroogeO Roubo da Diligência (B 74403, 1975)br/DE 137o, br/ZC 1215e, it/MG 446cc, it/PAPS 12m, it/RMG 19bcc
Uncle ScroogeDuelo Ao Pôr do Sol (B 74434, 1975)br/DB 20h, br/DE 131h, br/PD 1226e, br/SD 14f, it/DCX 20g, it/MG 458ar, it/PAPS 9n
Uncle ScroogeO Disfarce Mais Rápido do Oeste (B 75154, 1976)br/DE 84n, br/DER 80l, br/DESP 0bn, br/DESP 13bl, br/PD 1268e, co/DE 25k, co/SLD 2e, pt/DE 10p128, pt/DER 8p128, pt/DESS 12cp128
Uncle ScroogeSempre Cabe Mais Um... (B 75159, 1976)br/DE 84h, br/DER 80g, br/DESP 0bh, br/DESP 13bg, br/PD 1278e, co/DE 25h, pt/DE 10p064, pt/DER 8p064, pt/DESS 12cp064
Uncle ScroogePena Kid, O Bandidão (B 75152, 1976)br/APCL 1p4a, br/MGD 1aj, br/PD 1282d
Uncle ScroogeO Norte Contra O Sul (B 75175, 1976)br/DE 88k, br/DER 83j, br/PD 1290e, co/DE 26f, pt/DE 18p102
Uncle ScroogeO Ladrão Misterioso (B 760198, 1977)br/AD 373j, br/APN3 1f, br/EE 78c

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