List of appearances with comment: Rackety Coon

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment Rackety Coon.

RaccoonWoodsy Animal Life (S 78131, 1979)br/AD 105c, br/SD 15c, cl/DIS2 15e, de/DD 238p061, de/DDZ 238ap061, de/JC 13Acp061, es/DM 312c, es/DMR 71bc, fr/ALJM 103de, fr/DM 83-05be, fr/JM 1596e
RaccoonHair And Feathers (S 78138, 1979)br/AD 111j, br/CODZ 7f, br/DE 95h, br/DER 94e, br/DESP 23af, co/DE 34d, it/AT 276c, pt/DE 30f

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