List of appearances with comment: Robinzé Crusoé

List of appearance comments
Found 9 stories with appearance comment Robinzé Crusoé.

José CariocaRobinzé Crusoé (B 70003, 1970)br/DE 125u, br/ZC 965b, cl/DIS 484d, co/DL 487d, pt/DE 83p185
José CariocaEncontro Com Os Kospebrasa (B 70004, 1970)br/ZC 967c, br/ZC 2363f, cl/FAN 196d
José CariocaAs Aventuras de Robinzé Crusoé (BC ZC 967, 1970)br/ZC 967a
José CariocaAqui Tesouro (B 70005, 1970)br/ZC 969c, br/ZC 2323d, cl/FAN 194p29, co/VR 208c
José CariocaO Elefante Destrombado (B 70006, 1970)ar/DIS 525d, br/ZC 971c, cl/DIS 505d, co/DL 526d
José CariocaBC ZC 971 (1970)br/ZC 971a
José CariocaNo Sopé do Kaskatoa (B 70007, 1970)ar/VAR 205d, br/ZC 973b, br/ZC 2296d, cl/DIS 506bd, cl/HD 19d, co/DL 514d
José CariocaAdeus Às Tangas (B 70008, 1970)br/ZC 975b, cl/DIS 516d
José CariocaO Que Acontecerá Com Robinzé Crusoé? (BC ZC 975, 1970)br/ZC 975a, cl/FAN 222a

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