List of appearances with comment: arm

List of appearance comments
Found 5 stories with appearance comment arm.

Donald DuckHC DD1966-41 (1966)nl/DD1966-41a
Doctor ProctorYM 67-02-14 (1967)it/CAT 24mr, it/CNC 180bl, us/ZZ1967c14M
Doctor ProctorYM 73-04-11 (1973)it/CAT 29ek, it/CNC 233di, us/ZZ1973e11M
GoofyFC JM 1159AA (1974)fr/ALJM 63fba, fr/JM 1159ba
Mickey MouseA Guidebook to Paris (D 2015-255, 2016)cz/KDC2016-08e, de/MM2016-27p05, de/MME 4p007, de/MMEHC 4bp007, de/X2024-06p071, dk/AA2016-26c, fr/JM 3341-42p088, fr/PMHS S2g, id/DB 1822p03, it/PMGM 12g, lv/DD2016-04d, nl/EUR 2ad, no/DD2016-26c, pl/KD 2016-08e, rs/MM2016-08e, se/KA2016-26c, si/MS 2016-08p21

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