List of appearances with comment: body

List of appearance comments
Found 4 stories with appearance comment body.

Sammy SkunkSnapshots (U MMW 85A, 1937)uk/MMW 85b
GoofyYM 68-09-05 (1968)fr/VDN 690723a
Donald DuckFrom the old duck man and the ducks . (Qus/DIEGO1974B, 1974)de/CBDB 1p014, de/HD 77p28, de/TC 1ac, dk/CBCO 9ba, dk/CBSV 20p008, fi/ALP 4p03c, fi/ALPK-EAPhp03c, fi/CBK 20p008, fi/SI1985-03cc, fr/ALPMB 32bm, fr/DDD 15p006a, fr/HOP 88i, fr/PM 265ea, fr/PM 345m, gr/KX 93dc, gr/MM 1547p041, gr/MVD 1p005, gr/MVD 29p006a, gr/VCB 1p005, it/DPCS 29ba, it/UACK 1Bbcf, it/UACK 1cf, nl/SSCH 105ba, se/CBSV 20b, us/CBCO 15f, us/CJ 227p057a, us/DIEGO1974xb
Donald DuckLesquels et laquelle ? (FC JM 1858C, 1988)fr/ALJM 130bjb, fr/DM 88-05bjb, fr/JM 1858jb, yu/MZC 851g, yu/MZS 851p21

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