List of appearances with comment: cameo/picture

List of appearance comments
Found 4 stories with appearance comment cameo/picture.

Grandma DuckDonald's Lucky Date (S 82057, 1985)br/EE 184i, it/CD 186e, it/DLF 200006Bbm, it/RCD 15de, it/SPD 18m, pt/EEX 9p65, yu/MZC 574c, yu/MZS 574p14
Mickey MouseQgr/KX 148H (1992)yu/PZBC 2316a
Mickey MouseAutobiografia de Um GĂȘnio (B 920013, 1993)br/PD 2012f, it/MG 450ae, it/RMG 19dae
Daisy DuckDonald, O MagnĂ­fico (B 000184, 2001)br/PD 2214b, pt/PDCD 16bp100, pt/PDSS 78p100

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