List of appearances with comment: dentist

List of appearance comments
Found 3 stories with appearance comment dentist.

Phil MolerZM 56-11-18 (1956)be/ALJM 24mf, be/ALMM 16up14, be/AMMN 16up14, be/MM 410p14, be/MMN 410p14, br/MK 58i, br/TP 66d, ca/LP 561118c, dk/AA1984-02g, dk/AA1997-49l, fr/ALJM 24mf, fr/ALJMAB24mf, fr/ALJMAC24Amf, fr/ALJMAC24Bmf, fr/JM 516f, fr/MPO 32p104, gr/KL 46f, mx/HWD 135k, no/DD1984-02g, no/DD1997-49m, no/SKP1957-23a, us/ZZ1956l18M, yu/PZBC 1636b
Danny DuckA Likely Story (W DD 148-03, 1973)au/DS 199c, br/DB 37p135, br/MAR 19b, br/ZC 1153e, cl/DIS 657d, dk/AA1974-27b, fi/AANV1975-3bb, fi/AAVSK1975-2ab, fi/AN1975-2p010, fr/ALJM 72jg, fr/JM 1275g, it/TD 44f, nl/DDAVVD 6cb, no/AAR 137gb, no/DD1974-27b, se/KA1974-26b, uk/DAM 87e, uk/DDAI1981g, us/DD 148-03, yu/MA 86h
No-Pain ShaneNo Laughing Matter (W BB 18-02, 1973)au/GS 577d, br/EE 61e, de/MVZ1983-08ab, dk/EH1975-08c, fr/ALJM 65ne, fr/JM 1193e, it/AT 209e, it/PM 70h, no/EE 12f, no/MH1975-08c, se/MAXIA 7f, se/WDS1975-08b, us/BB 18-02

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