List of appearances with comment: eyes

List of appearance comments
Found 14 stories with appearance comment eyes.

AlvinYM 67-12-18 (1967)it/CAT 25gk, it/CNC 180lo, us/ZZ1967m18M
BambiQgr/MIK 132AE (1978)br/EEO 4p15b, gr/MIK 132bcb, gr/MIK 143dab, gr/MIK 317p141c
The Beagle BoysQgr/MIK 132AE (1978)br/EEO 4p15b, gr/MIK 132bcb, gr/MIK 143dab, gr/MIK 317p141c
Donald DuckQgr/MIK 132AE (1978)br/EEO 4p15b, gr/MIK 132bcb, gr/MIK 143dab, gr/MIK 317p141c
GeppettoQgr/MIK 132AE (1978)br/EEO 4p15b, gr/MIK 132bcb, gr/MIK 143dab
GoofyQgr/MIK 132AE (1978)br/EEO 4p15b, gr/MIK 132bcb, gr/MIK 143dab, gr/MIK 317p141c
LadyQgr/MIK 132AE (1978)br/EEO 4p15b, gr/MIK 132bcb, gr/MIK 143dab, gr/MIK 317p141c
Mad Madam MimQgr/MIK 132AE (1978)br/EEO 4p15b, gr/MIK 132bcb, gr/MIK 143dab, gr/MIK 317p141c
Snow WhiteQgr/MIK 132AE (1978)br/EEO 4p15b, gr/MIK 132bcb, gr/MIK 143dab, gr/MIK 317p141c
Winnie the PoohQgr/MIK 132AE (1978)br/EEO 4p15b, gr/MIK 132bcb, gr/MIK 143dab, gr/MIK 317p141c
Magica De SpellEm Busca da NÂș 1 (BC DT 24, 1991)br/DT 24a
Grandma DuckYD 95-04-07 (1995)us/ZZ1995e07D
PaddywhackXUC DARB 8A (2011)it/CSP 8p116b, nl/PREM 6e, nl/PREM 6s, us/DARB 8Aa, us/DARP 2a, us/DDDE 1p408c, us/USLAH 2p
Donald DuckD 28423 (2022)no/DD2022B27a, no/DD2022B29a, no/DD2022B31a, no/KRI2022-03a, se/MPD2022-03a

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