List of appearances with comment: film

List of appearance comments
Found 5 stories with appearance comment film.

PlutoXBC MM 126 (1953)be/ALMM 5wa, be/AMMN 5wa, be/MM 126a, be/MMN 126a
LambertXBC MM 139 (1953)be/ALMM 6ja, be/AMMN 6ja, be/MM 139a, be/MMN 139a
Mickey MouseG DD 12R (1980)de/DDRS 12p31
Donald DuckDonald Sailing (D 21361, 2006)gr/MM 2139p053, gr/MMT 48cp053, hr/MM2007-01hj, no/DD2006-13gd, no/KVART25ngd, no/SH2013-6i, pl/MX 2006-02ge, rs/MV2007-01hj
Donald DuckUit het handboek van de Jonge Woudlopers - Animatie (HC DD2023-42J, 2023)nl/DD2023-42zk

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