List of appearances with comment: foot only

List of appearance comments
Found 4 stories with appearance comment foot only.

GustavThe Brave Little Tailor (ZM 016, 1938)se/HV1939-12a
Uncle ScroogeAku Ankan tammikuun palkintotehtävä (Qfi/AA1968-01A, 1968)fi/AA1968-01h, fi/AA1971-01g, fi/AANV1971-1bg, fi/AAVSK1968-1ah, fi/AAVSK1971-1ag, fi/AN1968-1p040, fi/AN1971-1p040
Uncle ScroogePaperino e la scuola della fortuna (I PM 310-1, 2006)gr/NT 143d, gr/NTT 2dd, it/PM 394h, it/PM 479g
Mickey Mouseuk/MM 253f

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