List of appearances with comment: giovane

List of appearance comments
Found 11 stories with appearance comment giovane.

Daisy DuckL’imbroglio di sei (I TL 3144-3, 2016)de/LTBE 72p053, gr/MMB 304p115, no/AND2021-06d
Gladstone GanderL’imbroglio di sei (I TL 3144-3, 2016)de/LTBE 72p053, gr/MMB 304p115, no/AND2021-06d
Gyro GearlooseL’imbroglio di sei (I TL 3144-3, 2016)de/LTBE 72p053, gr/MMB 304p115, no/AND2021-06d
Daisy DuckIl torneo di Uno (I TL 3145-4, 2016)de/LTBE 72p124, gr/MMB 231p081, no/AND2021-06i
Gladstone GanderIl torneo di Uno (I TL 3145-4, 2016)de/LTBE 72p124, gr/MMB 231p081, no/AND2021-06i
Daisy DuckIl tradimento di Sette (I TL 3147-4, 2016)de/LTBE 72p232, gr/MMB 198p051, no/AND2021-06p
Gladstone GanderIl tradimento di Sette (I TL 3147-4, 2016)de/LTBE 72p232, gr/MMB 198p051, no/AND2021-06p
Gyro GearlooseIl tradimento di Sette (I TL 3147-4, 2016)de/LTBE 72p232, gr/MMB 198p051, no/AND2021-06p
Hortense McDuckZio Paperone e il nuovo canto di Natale (I TL 3239-1, 2017)br/TPCL 8p03, de/LTBSB 24p005, dk/JK 25p005, fi/TX2023JTp005, fr/MP 392p142, gr/MMB 393p005, is/JS2018b, it/DSE 40p071, it/TGLD 5p077, nl/PO3 281h, no/JB2018b, se/ASP2018-06b
Matilda McDuckZio Paperone e il nuovo canto di Natale (I TL 3239-1, 2017)br/TPCL 8p03, de/LTBSB 24p005, dk/JK 25p005, fi/TX2023JTp005, fr/MP 392p142, gr/MMB 393p005, is/JS2018b, it/DSE 40p071, it/TGLD 5p077, nl/PO3 281h, no/JB2018b, se/ASP2018-06b
Grandpa BeagleK - Diari del Klondike (I TL 3543-1P, 2023)br/GADCL 26p071, fr/PM 575p181, fr/PM 575p211

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