List of appearances with comment: illusion

List of appearance comments
Found 4 stories with appearance comment illusion.

Daisy DuckPaperino e la nube cosmica (I TL 2066-1, 1995)fi/AASS 6p04
Uncle ScroogeAmelia e l'incantesimo del domani (I TL 2410-4, 2002)fi/AATK453p055
Uncle ScroogeTimboektoe (H 22056, 2002)se/KA2005-31l
ClerklyThe Blue Mountain (D 2009-211, 2012)bg/MA 19p151, br/TP 615d, cn/ZJMM 97p060, cz/SK2012-06b, de/LTB 432p005, de/LTBAT 2p247, de/LTBES 1p005, de/MC109Bcp005, de/MC117Bcp005, ee/MHK 20b, fi/AATK393p005, fi/TX2022RTp109, gr/NTB 62p047, is/MS 229b, it/ZPP 7b, lt/DTK 2p005, nl/PO3 201b, no/DP 391b, no/DPE 2l, pl/GP 147p005, se/KAP 405p005

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