List of appearances with comment: image

List of appearance comments
Found 18 stories with appearance comment image.

Grand MogulFC JM 1028 (1972)fr/ALJM 54ea, fr/JM 1028a
The Beagle BoysD 6637 (1985)nl/DD1986-05a
Uncle ScroogeYD 91-08-26 (1991)br/PD 1991c, br/SHD 11cc, us/ZZ1991i26D
Duck AvengerIC PKNA 00C (1996)fi/TK1999-01d, it/PKNA 00c, it/PKNA 1d, it/PKR 00bc, it/PKR 1bd
XadhoomBeato Angelico (I PKNA 31-1, 1999)fi/AAST 11p270
Gladstone GanderZio Paperone e le sacche del tempo (I PM 252-1, 2001)dk/JB 277e
John D. RockerduckZio Paperone e le sacche del tempo (I PM 252-1, 2001)dk/JB 277e
Mickey MouseGC MM2002-31 (2002)de/MM2002-31a, es/MR 9a, no/MM2003-07a, pl/KD 2003-31a, ru/MM2003-31a
Daisy DuckD 18184 (2003)hr/MMH2005-20p47, pl/MX 2003-01be
Uncle ScroogePsyched (D 2007-327, 2008)br/MGD 8aq, br/TP 533e, de/MM2011-45h, dk/AA2008-48e, fr/JM 3562p28, fr/SPG 150p085, gr/KXB 65p089, nl/DE2014-12c, no/DD2008-48f, no/KVART36if
James TondSegreti in bella mostra (I TL 2858-1, 2010)fi/AAST 12p067
Gus GooseDe pechvogelkampioen (H 2014-153, 2014)de/TGDD 406p61, dk/AA2019-36k, fi/AA2015-24c, nl/DD2014-48d, nl/JUB2017-1q, no/DD2019-36l, se/KA2019-36j
Duck AvengerVulcanico Pikappateam, ogni volta che leggo PK (I PKG 15-1, 2016)it/PKG 15c
Gilor BoraxTamers of Non-Human Tourists (D 2016-287, 2017)fi/AATK459p005
Duck AvengerPrologo (I TL 3352-9, 2020)br/GADCL 6e, fr/SPG 219p015, gr/MMB 514p005, it/TL 3352p151, it/TXTR 10p053
Daisy DuckPaperinik e la minaccia alla fattoria (I TL 3429-2P, 2021)it/TL 3429p051
Daisy DuckPresse et grands médias à Donaldville (Qfr/PS 8A, 2021)fr/PS 8a, fr/PS 8p05c
Andold Wild DuckThe Retrospective (D 2022-003, 2022)de/MM2022-20p34, dk/AA2022-37g, is/AO2022-37e, no/DD2022-37g, se/KA2022-37-38q

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