List of appearances with comment: in painting

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment in painting.

Uncle ScroogeW PB 3-00 (1965)au/GS 376a, br/MK 169a, dk/AA2022B07aa, dk/HOF 19p189b, dk/MH1967-01a, es/DB2 12a, es/DB2R 36aa, fr/MDC 30p08b, gr/DS 28ei, gr/MM 169a, it/CTS 17ia, it/DCOLL21ej, no/HOF 19r, no/MH1967-01a, no/WDS 3ca, se/HOF 19rb, se/WDS1967-01a, us/DMF 15p066, us/PB 3-00, us/PB 3-04, yu/MIKIR 29a
Uncle ScroogeScrooge Mc Duck (W BB 22-00, 1974)br/EE 61a, us/BB 22-00

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