List of appearances with comment: in thoughts

List of appearance comments
Found 6 stories with appearance comment in thoughts.

Donald DuckYD 49-01-05 (1949)au/VP 1f, ca/LS 490105a, cl/DIS 337h, co/DL 337h, co/DL 424h, dk/AA1953-07o, dk/AA1997-35b, dk/DKA1953-2co, es/DB1 138aw, fi/PP 1949bd, it/BIG 29aml, it/DCLA 9p113c, mx/HWD 44ap, nl/DDKAL 2002mz, nl/DDKAL 2012na, no/AAR 9fo, no/DAG 12bc, no/DD1953-11o, no/DD1997-35b, pl/KD 1998-44b, pl/KD 2000X35-4ay, se/DKAA1953-02do, se/KA1953-07o, us/DDDN 5p113c, us/WDC 143-14, us/ZZ1949b05D
Huey Dewey and LouieYD 49-12-22 (1949)be/ALMM 4zp02, be/AMMN 4zp02, be/MM 103p02, be/MMN 103p02, cl/DIS 343p21b, dk/AA1953-10k, dk/AA1971-35d, dk/AA1995-46b, dk/DKA1953-2hk, es/DB1 134h, fi/AA1954-02c, fi/AA1972-35d, fi/AANV1972-3jd, fi/AAVSK1954bc, fi/AAVSK1972-2id, fi/AN1954p082b, fi/AN1972-2p276a, fi/ANB1954-1p073c, fi/PP 1949ms, it/BIG 29aya, it/DCLA 9p214a, mx/HWD 44bc, nl/DDKAL 1983tt, nl/DDKAL 2002mi, nl/DDKAL 2012mj, no/AAR 10gj, no/AAR 117md, no/DAG 12mr, no/DD1954-03j, no/DD1971-36d, no/DD1995-46b, ro/MM1997-05ab, se/DKAA1953-02ik, se/KA1953-10k, us/DDDN 5p214a, us/WDC 143-27, us/ZZ1949m22D
Daisy DuckZD 57-08-18 (1957)au/WDC 306d, be/ALMM 16zp14, be/AMMN 16zp14, be/MM 415p14, be/MMN 415p14, gr/MIK 45k, it/AT 127k, nl/DD1969-52b, se/VH1958-01a, uk/GAAP 26d, us/DD 106-04, us/ZZ1957i18D, yu/PZBC 355a, yu/PZBC 2210a
Prince PhillipLe Castoristorik (FC PM 127E, 1982)fr/PM 127p058
Sleeping BeautyLe Castoristorik (FC PM 127E, 1982)fr/PM 127p058
Daisy DuckDifférences (FC JM 1976C, 1990)fr/ALJM 141edc, fr/JM 1976dc, yu/MZC1019h

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