List of appearances with comment: on TV screen

List of appearance comments
Found 5 stories with appearance comment on TV screen.

Minnie MouseChristmas Story (W FGW 47-02, 1947)fi/AA2015B52-53e
Brer BearYD 60-03-21 (1960)dk/MX20060628a
Brer FoxYD 60-03-21 (1960)dk/MX20060628a
Chief O'HaraOui ... mézou? (FC PM 95M, 1980)eg/SM 1035b, fr/PM 95fb, yu/MZC 348d, yu/MZS 348p29
FlowerPaperino e il pupazzo di neve (I TL 1635-B, 1987)it/DEN 85d, it/TL 1635f

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