List of appearances with comment: photo, splash

List of appearance comments
Found 27 stories with appearance comment photo, splash.

Huey Dewey and LouieTour De Force (D 9740, 1989)se/KA2005-26f
Daisy DuckZio Paperone e i videoclip (I TL 1766-D, 1989)se/KAPS2009-04e
Grandma DuckThe Butler Did It (D 89190, 1990)se/MP2003-05e
Huey Dewey and LouieThe Butler Did It (D 89190, 1990)se/MP2003-05e
Grandma DuckPlay Daisy for Me (D 92542, 1994)se/MP2005-01e
Huey Dewey and LouiePlay Daisy for Me (D 92542, 1994)se/MP2005-01e
Daisy DuckAli Baba And The Forty Winks (D 92005, 1996)se/MIPO 19c
GoofyTopolino non esiste (I TL 2136-1, 1996)se/MIPO 19d
Peg-Leg PeteTopolino non esiste (I TL 2136-1, 1996)se/MIPO 19d
Huey Dewey and Louie87 bis (I SUD 10-3, 1998)se/KA2004-47i
Huey Dewey and LouieCaution! Reindeer-In-Training! (D 2004-080, 2004)se/KA2004-50e
Daisy DuckHere Comes Trouble (D 2004-314, 2005)se/KA2005-44h
Daisy DuckFloating Fortune (D 2005-223, 2007)se/KA2007-16m
Uncle ScroogeMagica's Makeover (D 2006-144, 2007)se/KA2007-22g
Daisy DuckPaperino Paperoga e il pappagallo chiacchierone (I TL 2685-5, 2007)se/KAP 361f
Daisy DuckGps (H 26307, 2007)se/KA2009-44f
PlutoThe Transmutant Gifts (D/D 2001-017, 2007)se/KA2007-24k
Daisy DuckSnow Crew (D 2007-039, 2008)se/KA2008-03b
Uncle ScroogePsyched (D 2007-327, 2008)se/KA2008-48e
Daisy DuckThe Best Year of Your Life (D 2006-020, 2009)se/KA2009-25b
Grandma DuckDonald's Night Out (D 2005-271, 2009)se/KA2009-26j
Daisy DuckBus Blues (D 2007-198, 2009)se/KA2009-32l
Donald DuckCowgirl Saves the Day (D 2007-237, 2010)se/KA2010-03g
Donald DuckHairy Business (D 2009-142, 2010)cn/ZJMM 65b, de/LTB 407p005, de/LTBAT 3p263, de/MC125Acp005, gr/NTB 16p105, is/MS 204b, it/TL 2966h, no/DP 366b, no/DPE 3k, pl/GP 123p005, se/KAP 380b
Daisy DuckReady-To-Werewolf (D 2008-254, 2010)se/KA2010-43h
Grandma DuckReady-To-Werewolf (D 2008-254, 2010)se/KA2010-43h
Santa ClausThe Best Gifts (D 2009-204, 2010)se/KA2010-51-52b

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