List of appearances with comment: picture and flashback

List of appearance comments
Found 3 stories with appearance comment picture and flashback.

Uncle Zak McWakVoyage to Azatlan (W DD 119-02, 1968)au/DS 145b, br/DE 21o, br/DER 19k, br/DSE 19k, br/PD 886b, cl/DIS 455d, cl/TB 70b, co/DL 491d, de/TGDD 335p05, de/TGDDSBZ 3bp05, dk/AA1969-10b, eg/MG 114p006, fi/AANV1970-1kb, fi/AAVSK1970-1jb, fi/AN1970-1p298, fr/ALJM 46hc, fr/JM 901c, fr/MPO 129p137, gr/MIK 19p003, gr/MIK 169p35, it/GCDN 47i, no/AAR 100eb, no/DD1969-11b, pt/DESS 6bk, se/DKAA1969-02cb, se/KA1969-10b, us/DD 119-02, yu/MIKIR134d
Harvey from PlanesA Nice Couple (XPW P9 19-1, 2015)it/PLAN 19b
Winnie from PlanesA Nice Couple (XPW P9 19-1, 2015)it/PLAN 19b

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