List of appearances with comment: statuette

List of appearance comments
Found 3 stories with appearance comment statuette.

Daisy DuckDonaldistische Weihnacht 78 (GC HD 15, 1978)de/HD 15p001, de/HD 20p26
Cornelius CootDes affaires d'or ! (FC SPG 144, 2008)fr/SPG 144a
Basil of Baker StreetF.O.W.L. Disposition (XU DARB 9A, 2011)br/DJ 9bf, de/LTBPR 5p285, nl/PREM 6h, no/AH 4i, us/DARB 9Ab, us/DARB 9Bbb, us/DARB10Ab, us/DARB10Bbb, us/DARB11Ab, us/DARB11Bbb, us/DARB12Ab, us/DARB12Bbb, us/DARP 3b, us/DDDE 1p221

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