List of appearances with comment: unmasked

List of appearance comments
Found 5 stories with appearance comment unmasked.

The Phantom BlotTopolino e gli abeti Himalaiani (I TL 370-B, 1962)ar/MM2 117c, cl/FAN 3c, cl/MM 163c, cn/YHCQM 2p009, co/MK2 102c, de/LTBSB 14i, de/LTBSBH 5bi, dk/JK 15p152, fr/IRS 8p155, fr/SPGHS 7p032, gr/MID 12p007, it/AR 634b, it/CD 145b, it/DT 2b, it/GCD 218b, it/GSD 8l, it/RCD 4bb, it/RCD 38bb, it/TL 370h, nl/PO3 156i, no/JB2008i, pl/MGG 16p129, pt/DEG 32p151, us/MM 316Ab, us/MM 316Bbb, us/MM 316Cbb, us/MMTP 3i, us/MMTT 2p007, ve/MM 33c
The Phantom BlotTopolino e il progetto Apelle (I AT 151-A, 1969)it/PM 103g
The Phantom BlotÈ l'aereo che ci vuole per non farmi prendere! Parola di Macchia Nera (IC PA 55, 1982)it/PA 55a, it/PA 55k
The Phantom BlotRedenzione interessata (I TL 2246-03, 1998)fr/MP 243i
The Phantom BlotL'ombra del drago (I TL 2283-1, 1999)fr/MP 243c

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