List of appearances with comment: voice in phone

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment voice in phone.

0.0. Duck's chiefThe Missing Hair (S 66111, 1966)au/GS 409c, br/DE 11l, br/DER 10h, br/DSE 10h, br/ZC 795c, cl/DIS 350c, de/NND1p239, es/DB2 118d, es/JP 65j, fi/AAX2015-03c, gr/MM 62i, it/AR 1000c, it/DNO 5f, it/GCD 242d, it/IMA 7n, nl/DDAV 16l, nl/DDAVVD 3cl, se/DKAA1968-06v, se/DKAA1968-06x, us/DMF 20p023
0.0. Duck's chiefPicnic (S 66124, 1968)au/JS 55c, br/DE 11p, br/DER 10k, br/DSE 10k, br/PD 878b, es/JP 40j, gr/MM 137ba, gr/MM 606e, it/CTS 20cb, it/DNO 5g, it/GCD 220c, it/GCDN 59d, it/TL 662f

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