List of appearances with comment: voice only

List of appearance comments
Found 2 stories with appearance comment voice only.

0.0. Duck's chiefThings that Go Blonk (D 2011-035, 2013)bg/MA 26p005, de/LTB 439p005, de/MC130Acp005, de/MC153bp005, dk/JB 398p005, fi/AATK400p005, fr/MPHSE 3p082, gr/NTB 72p095, is/MS 236b, lv/DDTK 4b, nl/DDDB 1c, nl/PO3 207b, no/DP 398b, pl/GP 154p005, se/KAP 412b
Fethry DuckRumori da un altro mondo (I TL 3099-01, 2015)it/TL 3099i

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