Uncle Scrooge
Nobody's Business

Story code
AR 103
Another Rainbow (Gladstone)
Nobody's Business
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Azure Blue (cameo), Clerk from W US 44-04, Captain Hook (comic), Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander, Goofy (comic), Gyro Gearloose, Gyro's Helper (cameo), Huey Dewey and Louie, Mickey Mouse (comic), Peter Pan (comic), Pluto (comic), Sharky (cameo), Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Don Rosa
Art (pencil and ink)
Don Rosa
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: HC DE1992-03, XFC AAL2021-07
article: Qcn/MT2017-01B, Qfi/DR 1999E, Qfi/SI1999-04A, Qgr/KX 172D, Qgr/KXB 34D, Qit/DPCS 7N, Qno/DRSV 1K, Qno/DRSV 1L, Qno/HOF 1B, Qno/HOF 1E, Qus/DRL 1B
various: Qgr/KX 179A (panel 7.4), Qgr/KX 289B (1st panel & panel 7.3,7.4), Qus/DRL 1A (panels 4.5-4.6), Qus/DRL 1A (panels 4.8-5.2)

This story is rated 7.3/10 and ranked 452/43690 according to COA users. There have been about 90 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: DVr (May 22, 2010; May 25, 2010)

enDD and GL as investors
fiRoope-setä antaa Akulle ja Hannulle kummallekin 5000mk sijoitettavaksi, luvaten summan vuorokauden tuottoa vastaavan yrityksen
frPicsou se désole de l'inactivité de ses deux neveux, alors il convoque Donald et Gontran et leur promet leur propre affaire s'ils tirent un bénéfice des dix mille francs qu'il prête à chacun d'eux (by duckstories, history)
deUS gibt DD und GL die Aufgabe, einen Stapel Geldscheine möglichst gewinnbringend anzulegen
elΟ Θείος Σκρουτζ μυεί τον Ντόναλντ και τον Γκαστόνε στον χώρο των επιχειρήσεων. (by JohnnyMZ, history)
itPaperone vuole testare le capacità imprenditoriali di quei due suoi scansafatiche di nipoti, Paperino e Gastone. (by Monkey_Feyerabend, history)
noDonald og Anton får startkapital av Skrue for å prøve å tjene så mye som mulig på et døgn
plSknerus zastanawia się komu powierzyć swój biznes, dlatego daje im po tysiącu dolarów i daje 24 godziny na pomnożenie ich. Niestety Donaldowi się nie udaje, ale Gogusiowi i jego szczęściu - tak. Okazuje się, że Goguś w ciągu 24 godzin przebił Sknerusa w interesach, przez co jego firmy traciły pieniądze. Sknerus daje posadę dyrektora Gogiusowi w branży, w która sam nie inwestuje - w sprzedawanie komiksów. (by ACh, history)
ptTio Patinhas decide testar o desempenho do Pato Donald e do Gastão como patos de negócios.
O Gastão, com a sua enorme sorte, consegue um desempenho nos negócios tão extraordinário que coloca em risco as empresas do Patinhas.
E para solucionar a situação, Patinhas ouve uma sugestão do seu controller para colocar o Gastão no único negócio em que ele não conseguirá atrapalhar seus negócios:
Cuidar de uma empresa de histórias em quadrinhos!
(by 201...13, history)
ruДядюшка Скрудж даёт Дональду и Глэдстоуну по тысяче долларов и предлагает им соревнование - кто удачнее вложит эти деньги, тому он поможет открыть собственное дело! (by eVogue, history)
svJoakim ger ett startkapital var till Kalle och Alexander, som de sedan ska öka med så mycket som möjligt under ett dygn. (by SweDuck, history)
United States, US 220
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Hungary, MM1992-07
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Germany, MM1991-29
Netherlands, DE1992-03
Hungary, MM1992-07
United States, US 300
Finland, DR 1999
Netherlands, OD 63
Greece, KX 172
Norway, HOF 1
Denmark, HOF 1
Sweden, HOF 1
Brazil, MED 1
Poland, KGD 4
Greece, VK 1
France, PM 466
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