Donald Duck
Mystery of the Loch

Story code
W WDC 237-01
Mystery of the Loch
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
cover: ARC DD 278B, W WDCD 11-00A
article: Qfi/ALP 25C, Qfi/T1980DML, Qfi/T2018TRL, Qit/DPCS 21D, Qit/DPCS 25A, Qit/DSTO 28G, Qus/CBDL 25N
various: ARC LICW 40C (illustration), B RJC 109 (O Fotógrafo de Monstros) (remake), Qfi/AA2021-47A (Järvihirviö)

This story is rated 7.1/10 and ranked 1685/43752 according to COA users. There have been about 35 votes for this story.

enDonald takes photos of the Loch Less monster and is swallowed up by it
frQuand Donald, qui lisait un livre sur les merveilles jamais photographiées, voit revenir ses neveux avec un appareil photo sous-marin infrarouge qu'ils ont gagné avec des coupons de paquets de céréales, il les emmène aussitôt au Loch Stress avec l'espoir d'y photographier le monstre qui s'y trouve selon la légende (by duckstories, history)
noDonald tar bilder av en sjøorm
plSiostrzeńcy wymieniają kupony z płatków Chruppo na aparat do robienia zdjęć podwodnych. Gdy zauważa go Donald, postanawia się wybrać do Loch Ness aby zrobić zdjęcie słynnemu potworowi. (by vicar, history)
United States, WDC 237
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United States, WDC 237
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
France, JM 436
Italy, TL 257
Spain, DB1 357
Mexico, HWD 194
Germany, TGDD 29
Greece, MM 317
Netherlands, DD1974-48
Australia, WDC 378
United States, WDC 463
Yugoslavia, MZC 269
Yugoslavia, MZS 269
Netherlands, BV 30
Greece, MM 908
United States, DD 278
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