The Beagle Boys Vs. The Money Bin

The Beagle Boys vs. the Money Bin
Story code
D 2000-191
The Beagle Boys Vs. The Money Bin
The Beagle Boys
4 rows per page
Angus McDuck (photo), Blackheart Beagle (photo), Cornelius Coot (statue), Donald Duck (cameo), Grandpa Beagle, The Beagle Boys (7), Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Don Rosa
Art (pencil and ink)
Dan Shane (blueprints), Don Rosa
Date of first publication
Tribute to Carl Barks
Referred to in
cover: D 17005, DC HOF 25, HC DE2002-05, IC SUD 24, IC ZP 153
article: Qdk/HOF 25B, Qfi/AA2021-44A, Qfi/DR 2009J, Qfi/T2014KKG, Qfr/DGGP 4D, Qfr/MDC 56B, Qfr/TP 56J, Qfr/TR 1A, Qgr/EKM 1A, Qgr/KXB 76B, Qit/ATP 18A, Qit/ATP 18F, Qit/SUD 24B, Qit/TLAI 3K, Qit/UACK 4E, Qit/ZP 150B, Qit/ZP 152F, Qit/ZP 153A, Qno/DRSV 8M, Qno/DRSV 8N, Qus/DRL 9A, Qus/DRL 9B
various: D 2005-260 (Plain Stupid) (same idea), D 2010-086 (Bin There, Done That) (similar idea), Qit/PBST 65A (article, image), Qfi/AAX2009-14B (blue print drawing from the story), Qgr/KX 192B (article & panel 13.1), Qgr/KX 294B (article & panel 3.2), Qit/DSBP 2B (article, panel as illustration), XSC POSTER 2 (money bin blueprints; slightly edited: version F), XUC DIEGO2001B (variant blueprints)

This story is rated 7.7/10 and ranked 139/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 125 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: DVr (22 Μαΐ 2010; 11 Νοε 2010), PHm (3 Ιαν 2017; 21 Φεβ 2018)

enBB literally captured by the money bin
fiKarhukoplalla on hyvä suunnitelma, mutta koko joukko häviää rahasäiliölle. (by spe, history)
frGracié Rapetou raconte à ses petits fils les Rapetou où trouver les plans originaux du coffre de Picsou dans la vieille ville souterraine pour pouvoir y rentrer ensuite facilement (by duckstories, history)
deDie Panzerknacker finden die Baupläne des Geldspeichers und versuchen, über die Lüftungsschächte zu einem geheimen Eingang des Tresorraums zu gelangen.
elΟι Μουργόλυκοι καταφέρνουν να βρουν μια μυστική είσοδο για το θησαυροφυλάκιο, το οποίο επιχειρούν να ληστέψουν όσο λείπει ο Σκρουτζ. Οι συνηθισμένες γκάφες τους, ωστόσο, είναι αρκετές για να παγιδευτούν από ένα άψυχο κτίριο, το ίδιο το θησαυροφυλάκιο! (by Greek User, history)
ptOs Irmãos Metralha conseguem a planta da Caixa-Forte e invadem ela à noite, mas eles conseguem ser presos pelo prédio vazio!! (by andrey, history)
Poland, KD 2001-21
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Czechia, KDC2001-11
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Hungary, DK2001-12
Finland, AA2001-26
Czechia, KDC2001-11
Netherlands, DE2002-05
Greece, KX 183
United States, US 325
China, RXSFX2003
Netherlands, OD 73
France, PM 422
Germany, TGDD 256
Greece, EKM 1
Denmark, HOF 25
Finland, DR 2009
Germany, HOF 19
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