Un supereroe per caso

Superhero of the Day
Story code
I PK3 1-1
Un supereroe per caso
irregular layout
Enrietta Richardson, Gorthan, Jerry Paperice (1st), Mary Ann Bringethorn, Mike Morrighan, Rupert Potomac, Tom Anatrwise (1st), Zondag, Angus Fangus, Camera 9, Daisy Duck, Dan Woodstain, Donald Duck, Duck Avenger, Everett Ducklair, Evronians, Frank, Gladstone Gander, Huey Dewey and Louie, Lyla Lee, One, Ziggy [show character portraits]
Gianfranco Cordara
Art (pencil and ink)
Lorenzo Pastrovicchio
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: FC SPG 113, IC PK3 1
article: Qit/CPK 26A, Qit/CTS 123B, Qit/DCOLL27G, Qit/DCOLL42F, Qit/GSD 48S, Qit/PK3 1A, Qit/PK3 9B, Qit/PPK 34A
various: I PK3 0-1 (Evron Attacks) (similar idea), IC PK2 18C (teaser), Qit/PK2 18F (images)

This story is rated 6.3/10 and ranked 44781/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 40 votes for this story.

itPaperino viene scelto da Uno come Guardiano della galassia del pianeta Terra. (by sury, history)
Italy, PK3 1
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Norway, FD2003-01
Brazil, DS 1
Digital comics, SUDU 1
France, GSD 2
Germany, LTBPR 33

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