Paperino e la vacanza spaziale

Story code
I TL 1966-A
Paperino e la vacanza spaziale
3 rows per page
Donald Duck, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose [show character portraits]
Pierpaolo Pelò
Art (pencil and ink)
Claudio Panarese
Number of parts
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: GC LTB 190, GC LTBN 190
various: GC LTB 190B (panel)
This story contains the following items:
  1. I TL 1966-A1 Paperino e la vacanza spaziale (part 1, first published 1993-08-01, writing: Pierpaolo Pelò, art: Claudio Panarese, appearances Donald Duck, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, Gyro Gearloose)
  2. I TL 1966-A2 idem (part 2, first published 1993-08-01, writing: Pierpaolo Pelò, art: Claudio Panarese, appearances Donald Duck, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander)

This story is rated 7/10 and ranked 2007/44722 according to COA users. There have been about 35 votes for this story.

frDonald, Gontran et Popop cherchent des vacances "exotiques" dans l'espace (by JulienD, history)
plDonald, Dziobas i Goguś znudzeni nudnym życiem w mieście dostają od Diodaka statek kosmiczny i wybierają się na odległą planetę. Tam spotyka ich słodko-gorzka niespodzianka... (by tolio, history)
Italy, TL 1966
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Italy, TL 1966
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 1966 part 2
Italy, PM 204
Italy, PM 204 part 2
Portugal, DEG 19
Hungary, BK1993-01
Changes: one page from the second part is missing

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