Donald Duck
Trick or Treat

Story code
W DD 26-02
Trick or Treat
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Billy goat from W DD 26-02, Beelzebub (1st), Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Witch Hazel (1st) [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Refers to
adaptation: Trick or Treat (QMS 1952-014)
Referred to in
cover: ARC DDA 47, ARC LICD 21B, BC AD 56A, HC BV 39, IC AR 172, IC DPCS 40, IC RTAS 17, IC WDP 2I, W DD 26-00, W WDCD 16-00A, XFC AAL2017-41
article: Qdk/AA2022B32A, Qdk/CBSV 10P, Qdk/CBSV 10Q, Qdk/GB 10, Qfi/AA2000-44A, Qfi/AAPA2004I, Qfi/T1994MEEC, Qfr/MDC 58C, Qfr/PM 545A, Qfr/TP 20C, Qgr/KX 173B, Qgr/KX 281D, Qgr/KXB 28D, Qgr/KXB 39B, Qit/ATP 10C, Qit/CBCA 16E, Qit/CBCA 16O, Qit/CCD 5A, Qit/CCD 21E, Qit/CTS 4C, Qit/CTS 4E, Qit/CTS 10D, Qit/CTS 12G, Qit/CTS 12M, Qit/CTS 24K, Qit/CTS 24L, Qit/DCOLL47B, Qit/DCOLL47C, Qit/DPCS 5A, Qit/DPCS 5B, Qit/DPCS 5M, Qit/DPCS 16J, Qit/DPCS 24K, Qit/DPCS 26B, Qit/DSTO 27F, Qit/DSTO 30E, Qit/DSTO 40B, Qit/EC 36D, Qit/GCD 262A, Qit/GCD 264A, Qit/GCD 315, Qit/GCD 335, Qit/GSD 30H, Qit/IDI 1F, Qit/IMA 1F, Qit/IMA 3I, Qit/LGP 8b, Qit/MD 3D, Qit/MD 10D, Qit/MD 16H, Qit/MD 26H, Qit/PAP 8AC, Qit/PAP 8AK, Qit/PAP 8AN, Qit/SPD 35C, Qit/SPD 35D, Qit/SPD 102B, Qit/TLDLE50 B, Qit/TSD 5D, Qit/TSD 5G, Qit/UACK 14C, Qit/WDP 2L, Qit/ZP 38c, Qit/ZP 158A, Qit/ZP 177B, Qno/DD1997B02, Qno/HOF 1J, Qse/NK 31D, Qus/CBDL 13A, Qus/CBDL 13B, Qus/CBDL 28A, Qus/DMF 2B, Qus/DRL 1B, Qus/GCA 23A
illustration: FC PM 321D, IC BIG 7J, IC DCB 1E
various: Qit/ATP 12 (article, image), Qfi/AA2019-44C (reminder), CZ DD 26 (lost material), Qit/TLDLE50 A (article,panel), Qgr/KX 173A (panel 8.1), IC GRG 10E (page 3), B 780409 (A Noite dos Bruxinhos) (HDL's costumes), D 16276 (HDL costumes, fireworks), CS DD 26 (cut pages), GC BDD 7 (extracts from two panels), Qgr/KX 173BA (The first 1 & 1/2 pages of the censored version), Qgr/VCB 5AB (page 11 panel 3), Xpl/KCB 1 (pg.26 panel 3), XUC CBDL 13 (panels 4.3 + 8.1), W DD 140-00 (cover; reworking of 2nd panel)

This story is rated 7.4/10 and ranked 292/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 90 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: FWi (Oct 15, 2020), LPJ (Dec 21, 2021)

enSpoilsport Donald hates Halloween, but his nephews enlist Witch Hazel to change his mind. Adaptation of the 1952 animated short. (by Jason Towers, history)
enA witch helps the nephews get Halloween treats from Donald
frOffusquée des misères que Donald fait subir à ses neveux alors qu'ils participent à Halloween, la sorcière décide de leur venir en aide avec ses pouvoirs (by duckstories, history)
frmonstres fantômes sorcière Halloween
United States, DD 26
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United States, DD 26
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, TL 56
Mexico, CWDE1953-11
Italy, AR 172
Chile, DIS 307
Colombia, DL 307
Spain, JP 26
Netherlands, DD1978-08
Netherlands, DD1978-09 part 2
Netherlands, DD1978-10 part 3
Brazil, AD 148
Netherlands, BV 39
France, PM 189
Germany, TGDDZ 86
Italy, ZP 38
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