Gyro Gearloose
The Old Timer

Story code
W OS 1184-09
The Old Timer
Gyro Gearloose
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Gyro's Helper [show character portraits]
Art (pencil and ink)
Carl Barks
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
article: Qfi/T2022TRJ, Qit/DPCS 23C, Qus/CBDL 28A
various: XUC CBDL 28B (panel)

enGY drives to DD's gas station without needing something for his car
daGeorgs futuristiske bil skal ingen service have to Anders' servicestation
fiAkun huoltoasemalle kurvanneen Pelle Pelottoman uusi ajokki ei tarvitse bensaa, uutta akkua, tai edes uusia renkaita
frGéo arrive à la station-service de Donald mais le véhicule qu'il a inventé ne semble avoir besoin de rien (by duckstories, history)
frGéo a une voiture ultramoderne
deDüsentrieb fährt mit seinem neuen Wagen an die Tankstelle, jedoch benötigt es keinerlei Service. Ein Schluck Wasser genügt dem Erfinder. (by Tromlaman, history)
plDiodak przyjeżdża na stację benzynową. Pracownik Donald nie wie jednak, jaką usługę wykonać dla wynalazcy. (by tolio, history)
svKalles bensinstation
United States, OS 1184
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Spain, DB1 394
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Spain, DB1 394
Italy, AT 60
Brazil, PD 536
Mexico, CWD 267
Egypt, SM 97
Chile, TR 34
Netherlands, DD1969-09
France, PM 21
Netherlands, DD1975-31
Netherlands, BV 14
Italy, SAP 52
Italy, ZP 45
Indonesia, DB 646
Brazil, ALP 12
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