Uncle Scrooge
Tralla La

Story code
W US 6-02
Tralla La
Uncle Scrooge
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Lah Deedah (1st), Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
Carl Barks
Carl Barks
Carl Barks, Garé Barks?
Date of first publication
Date the story was created
External link
Carl Barks guidebook
Referred to in
unknown: F PM 24001, IC PDO 10
cover: ARC LICU 6, ARC USA 39, BC MK 30, D 7925, DC CBSV 12, HC OD 3, IC CD 147, IC ZP 91, IC ZP 91B, KA 1090, XNC CBDR 1, XNC DD2014B15-16
article: Qde/BXS 3B, Qde/BXS 3D, Qdk/CBDR 1C, Qdk/CBSV 12H, Qdk/DKA1959-3E, Qdk/DRSV 3B, Qfi/ANLE 2D, Qfi/T2009KKFB, Qfi/T2014KKE, Qfi/T2014KKJA, Qfr/9EA 9p19, Qfr/9EA 9p30, Qfr/TP 24A, Qfr/TP 47W, Qgr/KX 65AA, Qgr/KX 66A, Qgr/KX 78A, Qgr/KX 283D, Qgr/KXB 9D, Qgr/KXB 10D, Qgr/KXB 25D, Qit/CTS 22G, Qit/DAO 4D, Qit/DAO 15B, Qit/DCOLL 4F, Qit/DPCS 8L, Qit/DPCS 8M, Qit/DPCS 11L, Qit/DPCS 20R, Qit/DSTO 26C, Qit/DT 48I, Qit/GSD 5I, Qit/GSD 7C, Qit/GSD 14N, Qit/GSD 34C, Qit/IDI 1E, Qit/MD 3F, Qit/UACK 3C, Qit/UACK 8D, Qit/UACK 33A, Qit/UACK 33B, Qit/UACK 34D, Qit/ZP 3, Qit/ZP 145e, Qit/ZPP 47C, Qnl/HDD 1999E, Qno/CBDR 1B, Qno/DD1991B13, Qno/DD1997-07, Qus/CBCO 7D, Qus/CBCO 31-32C, Qus/CBDL 7A, Qus/CBDL 7B, Qus/CBDL 12A, Qus/CBDL 14A, Qus/CBDL 16A, Qus/CBDL 24A, Qus/CBDL 28A, Qus/DRL 7B, Qus/DRL 7C, Qus/LICU 6A, Qus/USCA 1JA, Qus/USCA 1KA
illustration: ARC LICU 6C, ARC US 300A, ARC US 300B, D 22799
article, image: Qit/ZPP 59C, Qit/ZPP 61D
various: D 90314 (Return to Xanadu) (sequel), CB OIL 27 (painting), Qit/DR 1G (article,panels), D 31 (panel 4.3), Qit/DSBP 21I (intro, single panels as illustrations), Qit/SPD 104F (article,illustration), FC ADP 1 (panel 1-1), I TL 1919-C (The Man Who Drew Ducks) (memory), Qus/DRL 3B (article+panel), XFC PS1988-17 (cover; art from page 15 panel 4), Qgr/KX 261C (article & panels 11.2 & 11.3), Qus/US 216A (article ; 1st half page on page 10), Xvn/DVBH 78 (panels on page 11)
adaptation: The Land of Tra-la-la (QMT DT 96)

This is a top 10-story.This story is rated 8.8/10 and ranked 2/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 505 votes for this story.

Entry edited by: FWi (May 9, 2020)

enStressed US searches lost city in Himalaya where there's no money
pt-brTio Patinhas está estressado e procura por uma cidade perdida no Himalaia onde não existe dinheiro: Tra-la-lá. (by gondran, history)
nlOom Dagobert heeft genoeg van al zijn geldzorgen en door de bijkomende stress besluit hij om naar de Tralla La vallei te gaan, waar geld geen rolt speelt onder haar bewoners. (by snowmansion, history)
fiRahasta liikarasittunut Roope matkaa Tralla Lahan, maahan, jossa ei ole rahaa. Roope-sedän avattua hermolääkepullonsa kansalaiset himoavat siitä lähtenyttä pullonkorkkia. Roope lupaa antaa koko maalle miljardi pullonkorkkia, mutta kansalaiset kyllästyvätkin niihin. (by Miksu, history)
frPicsou, surmené et miné par le stress, décide de partir dans un endroit où il n'y a aucune richesse appelé Tralla La, accompagné de Donald et ses neveux ainsi que plusieurs bouteilles capsulées de son calmant (by duckstories, history)
frLas de la vie de milliardaire, du stress, des sollicitudes divers, des voleurs et des demandeurs de tout genre, Picsou décide de rompre avec cette vie mercantile. Il émigre alors chez les Tralalaniens qui vivent au fond d'une vallée himalayenne. Le royaume de Tralala ne connaît pas l'argent et ses habitants ne connaissent pas la cupidité ni l'avarice ou l'appât du gain. Jusqu'au jour où une banale capsule de bouteille passe pour un inestimable trésor aux yeux d'un des habitants !
elΟ θείος Σκρουτζ αναζητά μια πόλη στα Ιμαλάια όπου δεν υπάρχει χρήμα και θα μπορέσει να ζήσει γαλήνια
itA Trulla per sfuggire al suo denaro. (by MIckey Mouse, history)
noSkrue får nervesammenbrudd av pengene sine, og drar sammen med Donald og guttene til den bortgjemte dalen Tralla La
plZestresowany Wujek Sknerus jedzie w Himalaje, w poszukiwaniu krainy, gdzie nie ma pieniędzy (by mikolaj_lodz, history)
slStric Skopušnik je postal sit denarja, saj mu ta povzroča same težave. Zato se odloči, da bo poiskal kraj, kjer ne poznajo denarja. (by kevoreka, history)
svFarbror Joakims eviga tankar på pengar ger honom nervsammanbrott och han reser till det glömda landet Tralla-La, där det aldrig funnits pengar.
United States, US 6
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Australia, GS 27
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Italy, AO 54030
Australia, GS 27
France, JM 162
Mexico, CWD 90
Netherlands, DDAV 2
Germany, MM1959-21 part 3
Chile, DIS 175
Mexico, CWD 394
Italy, OM 170
Yugoslavia, MIKIR169
Yugoslavia, MIKIR170 part 2
Spain, DB2 94
United States, US 106
Yugoslavia, MA 96
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