- Story code
- W US 28-01
- Origin
- Western
- Title
- The Paul Bunyan Machine
- Hero(es)
- Uncle Scrooge
- Pages
- 21
- Layout
- 4 rows per page
- Appearances
- Clerkly (cameo), Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, The Beagle Boys (12), Uncle Scrooge [show character portraits]
- Writing
- Carl Barks
- Art (pencil and ink)
- Carl Barks
- Date of first publication
- Date the story was created
- External link
- Carl Barks guidebook
- Referred to in
- cover: ARC LICU 28, ARC USA 20, D 8131, HC BV 114, IC AR 533, IC ZP 115, IC ZP 115B, Xgr/GX 275
article: Qde/BXS 3C, Qde/BXS 3D, Qde/BXS 3D, Qde/BXS 3D, Qde/BXS 3D, Qde/HD 159F, Qde/HDSH 3I, Qdk/CBSV 17C, Qdk/CBSV 20E, Qfi/CBK 18B, Qfi/T2018TRT, Qgr/KX 55A, Qgr/KX 94A, Qgr/KX 105D, Qit/CTS 10C, Qit/DAO 25A, Qit/DPCS 19K, Qit/GCD 254A, Qit/GSD 14O, Qit/MD 35D, Qit/UACK 11D, Qit/UACK 23C, Qit/ZP 11, Qus/CBDL 24A
illustration: ARC LICU 28C, D 22797
various: D 2021-038 (Eager Beagles) (flashback), D 2002-042 (Free Tree Spree) (Paul Bunyan machine), Qgr/KX 275B (3rd row on page 14)
This story is rated 7.4/10 and ranked 305/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 80 votes for this story.
en | BB's giant lumberjack machine |
fi | Roope-setää vaivaa reumatismi, nimittäin aina kun hänen rahansa ovat vaarassa, häntä alkaa kolottamaan älyttömästi. Roope turvautuu Karhukoplan varalta piilottamaan rahansa turvaan puuhun, mutta koplan jättimäinen vehje Nätti-Jussi aikoo kaapata rahat koplalle. (by Miksu, history) |
fr | Grâce à ses rhumatismes qui se déclenchent quand on projette de voler son argent, Picsou découvre que les Rapetou construisent un bulldozer géant pour éventrer son coffre (by duckstories, history) |
fr | Les Rapetou construisent un bulldozer géant pour fracasser d'un coup le coffre-fort de ce pauvre Picsou qui se fait un sang d'encre. |

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(20 countries, 100 publications)
- Giant (G Series) 172 - Uncle Scrooge (1960) The Paul Bunyan Machine
- Giant (G Series) 512 - Uncle Scrooge (1971) idem
- Tio Patinhas (Abril) 38 (1968) A Monstruosa Máquina Paulo Bunian
- Disney Especial (1ª Série) 19 - Os Inventores (1975) idem
- Disney Especial Reedição 18 - Os Inventores (1983) idem
- Disney Superespecial 18 - Os Inventores (1993) idem
- O Melhor da Disney: As Obras Completas de Carl Barks 14 (2005) idem
- Coleção Carl Barks Definitiva 24 (2021) idem
- Tío Rico 63 (1968) La máquina fabulosa
- Anders And & Co. 1974-10 (1974) Bjørne-banden går til angreb (part 1) [7 pg.] 1974-11 (part 2) [4 pg.] 1974-12 (part 3) [4 pg.] 1974-13 (part 4) [4 pg.]
- Anders And for fulde sejl (Guldbog 15) p. 131 (1998) idem
- Carl Barks' Samlede Værker 20 - XX p. 079 (2008) Uncle $crooge and the "Paul Bunyan" Machine
- Aku Ankka 1975-10 (1975) Nätti-Jussi (part 1) [2 pages cut] 1975-11 (part 2) [4 pg.] [2 panels missing] 1975-12 (part 3) [4 pg.] [2 panels missing] 1975-13 (part 4) [4 pg.] [18 panels missing]
- Aku Ankka -neljännesvuosikerta 1975-1 (1976) idem (part 1) [2 pages cut] 1975-1 (part 2) [4 pg.] [2 panels missing] 1975-1 (part 3) [4 pg.] [2 panels missing] 1975-1 (part 4) [4 pg.] [18 panels missing]
- Aku Ankka -vuosikerrat 1975-1 (1976) idem (part 1) [2 pages cut] 1975-1 (part 2) [4 pg.] [2 panels missing] 1975-1 (part 3) [4 pg.] [2 panels missing] 1975-1 (part 4) [4 pg.] [18 panels missing]
- Aku Ankan parhaat 33 - Nätti-Jussi p. 03 (1988) idem
- Parhaat Sarjat 1988-25 - N:o 25 - Mikki ja viikinkilaiva / Nätti-Jussi (1988) idem
- Ankalliskirjasto 10 - Kuuden miljoonan dollarin papukaija p. 039 (2009) idem
- Carl Barksin kootut 20 - XX (1959-1960) p. 079 (2009)
- Aku Ankka - Näköispainos 1975-1 - Aku Ankka - näköispainos vuosikerrasta 1975, osa I p. 321 (2017) Nätti-Jussi (part 1) [2 pages cut] 1975-1 (part 2) [4 pg.] [2 panels missing] 1975-1 (part 3) [4 pg.] [2 panels missing] 1975-1 (part 4) [4 pg.] [18 panels missing]
- Aku Ankka Ekstra / Aku Ankka Klassikko 2019-06 - N:o 286 (2019) idem
- Le Journal de Mickey 409 (1960) Oncle Picsou livre la bataille des bulldozers ! (part 1) [3 pg.] 410 (part 2) [3 pg.] 411 (part 3) [3 pg.]
- Le Journal de Mickey (Albums) 18 (1961) idem (part 1) [3 pg.] 18 (part 2) [3 pg.] 18 (part 3) [3 pg.]
- Picsou Magazine 188 (1987) Bras de fer
- Picsou Magazine 306 (1997) La "Paul Bunyan Machine"
- Picsou Magazine 415 p. 048 (2006) La machine de Paul Bunyan
- Picsou Magazine (Albums) B 51 (2007) idem
- La dynastie Donald Duck - Intégrale Carl Barks 10 - 1959-1960 Le Champion de la fortune ! et autres histoires (2013) idem
- Picsou Magazine 519 p. 049 (2016) idem
- Le Journal de Mickey (Albums) AB18 Oncle Picsou livre la bataille des bulldozers ! (part 1) [3 pg.] AB18 (part 2) [3 pg.] AB18 (part 3) [3 pg.]
- Le Journal de Mickey (Albums) AC18 idem (part 1) [3 pg.] AC18 (part 2) [3 pg.] AC18 (part 3) [3 pg.]
- Picsou Magazine (Albums) A X Bras de fer
- Picsou Magazine (Albums) B 24 La "Paul Bunyan Machine"
- Micky Maus 1974-28 (1974) Hans Hackebeil (part 1) [7 pg.] 1974-29 (part 2) [4 pg.] 1974-30 (part 3) [4 pg.] 1974-31 (part 4) [4 pg.]
- Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) 96 (1988) idem
- Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck - Sammelband 14 (1992) idem
- Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck (Sonderheft) (Zweitauflage) 96 (1994) idem
- Barks Library Special Onkel Dagobert 17 (2000) idem [20 7/8 pg.]
- Carl Barks Collection 20 - XX p. 079 (2008)
- Barks Onkel Dagobert 7 p. 037 (2010) Hans Hackebeil
- Lustiges Taschenbuch Classic Edition 15 p. 031 (2021) idem
- 70 Jahre Panzerknacker 1 p. 005 (2021) idem
- Γέλιο και Χαρά 275 - Το δάσος με τα εκατομμύρια (1962) Το δάσος με τα εκατομμύρια
- Μίκυ Μάους 22 - Παντοσπάστης (1966) Παντοσπάστης [28 pg.]
- Μίκυ Μάους 391 (1973) Το Δάσος της Οργής [28 pg.]
- Μίκυ Μάους 1054 p. 37 (1986) Το δάσος της οργής! [28 pg.]
- Κόμιξ 41 - Ο Θησαυροφυλακιοθραύστης (1991) Ο Θησαυροφυλακιοθραύστης
- Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney 19 - 1959 (2) - Ο πρωταθλητής p. 141 (2015) Ο θησαυροφυλακιοθραύστης
- Donal Bebek 463 - Pasar Swalayan p. 03 (1990) Mesin Penghancur
- Komik Terbaik Disney 7 p. 29 (2010) The Paul Bunyan Machine - Mesin Paul Bunyan
- Topolino (libretto) 237 (1960) Paperon de' Paperoni e lo scassatutto [28 pg.]
- Albi della rosa / Albi di Topolino 533 - Paperon De' Paperoni e lo Scassatutto (1965) Paperon De' Paperoni e lo Scassatutto [28 pg.]
- Complete Carl Barks 22 (1980)
- Paperino di Barks collezione ANAF 39 (1986) Zio Paperone e lo Scassatutto
- Zio Paperone 11 (1988) Zio Paperone La macchina "scassatutto"
- Zio Paperone 115 (1999) Zio Paperone e la macchina scassatutto
- Zio Paperone (ristampa) 11 (2001) Zio Paperone La macchina "scassatutto"
- I Miti Mondadori 229 - I grandi colpi della Banda Bassotti (2002) Paperon de' Paperoni e lo scassatutto [28 pg.]
- I Grandi Classici Disney 254 (2008) idem [28 pg.]
- La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera) 19 - 1959 (II) - Zio Paperone e il campionato di quattrini (2008) Zio Paperone e la macchina scassatutto
- Uack! 11 (2015) idem
- La Grande Dinastia dei Paperi (2a edizione) 19 - 1959 (II) - Zio Paperone e il campionato di quattrini (2021) idem
- Raccolta Zio Paperone 2 Zio Paperone La macchina "scassatutto"
- Raccolta Zio Paperone 17 Zio Paperone e la macchina scassatutto
- Cuentos de Walt Disney (Serie Clásica/Águila) 219 (1960) El hacha mecánica
- Donald Duck 1972-18 (1972) De allesvernietiger (part 1) [12 pg.] 1972-19 (part 2) [9 pg.] [One row of panels missing]
- Oom Dagobert 19 - Oom Dagobert in De stad met de gouden daken (1983) idem [blz 1 verlaagd, daarna verhoogd]
- Alle klassieke verhalen 12 (1992) idem
- De beste verhalen van Donald Duck 114 - Donald Duck als houthakker (2003) idem
- Donald Duck Collectie 30 - Donald Duck als houthakker goudzoeker hotelgast bangerik (2004) idem
- Donald Duck & Co 1974-10 (1974) «Sterke-Nils» med øksen (part 1) [7 pg.] 1974-11 (part 2) [4 pg.] 1974-12 (part 3) [4 pg.] 1974-13 (part 4) [4 pg.]
- Beste historier om Donald Duck & Co 35 - "Sterke-Nils" med øksen -og andre historier (1988) idem
- Tegneseriebokklubben 43 (1988) idem
- Gullbok 15 - Ekte vare (1998) idem
- Carl Barks samlede verk 20 - XX (2008) Uncle $crooge and the "Paul Bunyan" Machine
- Carl Barks' Andeby 10 - Sterke-Nils med øksen - og andre historier fra 1959-1960 p. 009 (2015) Sterke-Nils med øksen
- Jubileumspocket 2015-3 - Donald i regnskogen p. 073 (2015) Sterke-Nils med øksa
- Donald Duck & Co - De komplette årgangene 135 - 1974 del II (2016) «Sterke-Nils» med øksen (part 1) [7 pg.] 135 (part 2) [4 pg.] 135 (part 3) [4 pg.] 135 (part 4) [4 pg.]
- Donald Duck av Carl Barks 2 - Viktige oppfinnelser! (2020) Uncle Scrooge and the "Paul Bunyan" machine
- Norsk Donald 10 - Typisk norsk (2024) Sterke-Nils med øksen
- Kaczogród. Carl Barks 17 - Ogromna maszyna i inne historie z lat 1959-1960 p. 009 (2022) Ogromna maszyna
- Disney Especialíssimo 4 - Os Inventores + Os Comilões A Monstruosa Máquina Paulo Bunian
- Dumbo 2ª (ERSA) 42 (1968) A hachazo limpio
- Inolvidables Disney (Reedición Dumbo 2ª) 15 (2012) idem
- La Gran Dinastía del Pato Donald 30 - Tío Gilito en Ricos de campeonato y otras historias (2019) El leñador mecánico
- Kalle Anka & C:o 1974-09 (1974) Björn-ligan hugger till (part 1) [7 pg.] 1974-10 (part 2) [4 pg.] [One row of panels missing] 1974-11 (part 3) [4 pg.] [One row of panels missing] 1974-12 (part 4) [4 pg.] [One row of panels missing]
- Kalle Ankas Bästisar 28 (1988) Björnligan hugger till
- Kalle Anka Guldbok 15 (1998) idem
- Carl Barks samlade verk 20 (2008) Uncle $crooge and the “Paul Bunyan” Machine
- Carl Barks Ankeborg 10 - Björnligan hugger till och andra historier från 1959-1960 p. 009 (2016) The "Paul Bunyan" Machine
United States
- Uncle Scrooge 28 (1959) The Paul Bunyan Machine
- Uncle Scrooge 144 (1977) idem
- Carl Barks Library (Another Rainbow) 4 p. 255 (1985) idem
- Uncle Scrooge Adventures 20 (1989) idem
- The Adventures of Uncle Scrooge McDuck in Color 28 (1997) idem
- The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics) 24 - Uncle Scrooge: Island in the Sky p. 001 (2021) The "Paul Bunyan" Machine
- Микијев Забавник 170 (1978) Две машине
- Mikijev Zabavnik v slovenščini 170 p. 13 (1978) Stroja